Part 8

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Demi chuckled as she scrolled through her twitter. It was difficult to get any real work done, not that she was really trying to, with all of her social media blowing up. All good things, which was a surprise to her. Demi was sometimes controversial which didn't bother her, she enjoyed pushing the envelope and getting people to talk about things they wouldn't regularly talk about. She used her platform to start conversations frequently. However, she didn't expect such good feedback from the escapade of the other night's show. Demi bit back a loud laugh as she continued to read all the comments, mostly predictions of what happened after the concert. Not many people were off with their ideas but Demi couldn't reveal everything  to the public. "Nope, no phones." Kehlani came up from behind and grabbed Demi's phone from her hands. "Keh.. I was using that." Demi whined, fully entertained by her social networks for once. "No phones. We're supposed to be unplugged." 

"You were in the shower, what was I supposed to do?" 

"Join me."

"You're such a perv." Demi laughed. 

"You love it." 

"I do." Demi blushed. 

Kehlani pecked Demi's lips as they both fell back on to the bed. "I love you." Kehlani muttered against Demi's still puckered lips that expected another kiss, which Kehlani happily obliged.

"I love you too."

Demi smiled taking in all of the darker woman's features from the shape of her eyes to the way her lips curved, Kehlani was the most insatiable person she had ever been with inside and out. Her soul was incredibly beautiful and every word that came out of her mouth was like poetry. Kehlani's mind was so incredible, Demi wanted to explore every thought the other woman had. Sex was great but talking to her could satisfy Demi just as well.

"Would it be bad if I wanted to cancel the rest of my tour to spend time with you?"

"Would it be bad if I wanted to do the same thing?"

Kehlani let out a long sigh, getting more comfortable. "But as much as I don't want to be apart from you, I do have to make a living and so do you and our fans who love us so very much would be quite pissed."

"I guess you're right." A chuckle fell from Demi's lips.

"You haven't learned I'm always right."

Kehlani's statement was completely disregarded due to Demi being distracted by the woman's lips on hers and her hand between Demi's legs. Kehlani had a way of getting the last word more often than not. Demi couldn't complain though because the immense pleasure that shot through her body was distraction enough for Demi not to have a rebuttal.

Two hours and several collective orgasms later, Demi was out cold as soon as her body hit the bed after the shower.

Looking at Demi's sleeping form, Kehlani took in the peace that covered her girlfriend. Her heart had never been filled with this much love for someone who wasn't family. She thought she knew love before but this was different. While the relationship may have moved faster than any other, they were right where they needed to be. Everything was perfect between them and Kehlani would do whatever she had to to make sure it stayed that way.

"Don't leave me.." She muttered, tucking stray hairs behind Demi's ear. "Please..." The plea in Kehlani's voice was sincere and laced with a slight fear for their future. Everyone always ended up leaving her, she just hoped Demi wouldn't be one of them.

Tears pricked her eyes at the simple thought of the possibility of the other woman breaking her heart and she was terrified. It's what kept her skeptical in the first place, yet here she was, falling for Demi more and more every minute.

Demi stirred, fluttering her eyes open and smiling lazily. "Come on.. I'm cold. Nap with me." She snuggle into the pillow. "You're the big spoon." She said matter of fact. Kehlani promptly took her position, settling in behind her love. "Alright, alright, we're napping." 

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