Part 15

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Demi grabbed her robe from the back of the door, throwing it on before running after Kehlani. "Kehlani Wait!" Demi exclaimed in a panicked tone. "I'm so sorry."

Kehlani was just barely at the door when Demi caught up to her. "You should be, we were having a sensual moment. Making love and you're thinking about another woman." Venom laced Kehlani's tone.

"Sit down please... I should have told you about this as soon as it happened." Demi said sadly, tugging on Kehlani to go with her, "Please." Demi pleaded.

Reluctantly, Kehlani followed Demi and sat down a healthy distance away from her. "Did you have sex with her?" Kehlani deadpanned, which she had every right to. Demi said her name while they were having their most intimate moment, something had to have happened. "No.. but she did try." Demi answered honestly. She went on to tell her girlfriend about the whole interaction between them causing Kehlani to shift most of her anger from Demi to Lauren. "You don't feel anything towards her, she just got in your head and you felt bad?" Kehlani clarified and Demi nodded. Now all of her anger was at Lauren for trying to take advantage of her girlfriend while she was away. "That manipulative bitch." Kehlani cursed standing up and pacing the carpet.

"Keh, please leave it alone." Demi begged.

"Leave it alone? Seriously? She tried to have sex with you while I was as gone full knowing that we're together. Everyone knows we're together." Kehlani flopped out the couch and with huff, raking her fingers through her own hair. "It's complete bullshit the shit she tried and you're not going to talk me out of giving her a piece of my mind." Demi bit her lip anxiously.

"I understand that you're cool with a lot of your exes or people you've slept with and that doesn't bother me at all I like that maturity about you. But not everyone is still friends with you to be just your friend."

Demi looked down at her hands, nodding in agreement. "No it's not maturity. It's naivety . How stupid can I be to think that I can be friends with all my exes? Wilmer is an exception.. joe too but that's only because I've know them since I was young." Demi sighed. "I should have known better."

Kehlani sat down next to Demi, pulling her close she let out a sigh, the last thing she wanted to do was guilt demi when what she did wasn't half as bad as trying to seduce a spoken for woman. She made a note to give Lauren a piece of her mind as soon as she collected her thoughts. "I know you didn't mean it." Kehlani said softly.

"Not at all. I love you, I love you so much." Demi had tears in her eyes as her minimal words told the sincerest story of what she felt in her heart. "Please don't leave me.."

"It's going to take a lot more than you calling out someone else's name for me to want to leave you," Kehlani assured, kissing Demi's nose and then lips. "Just don't do it again."

"Never again." Demi promised.

This is a short chapter but trust me some more stuff is coming, I like demlani when they're on the same page more than when they're not but if they're too gushy let me know cause I can make some shit happen.

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