Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The next morning, Menodora told me that I couldn’t go to school. It was

too risky. She told me that I had to spend the day with Colin Travis and Ian training because she had to go to some meeting. I didn’t bother to ask her questions, she already made me angry. I was too tired to move. I wanted to cry, but my eyes were dry. I needed to know whether to go to school or not. I texted Ismania.

I need an answer Ismania. Can I go to school? Did you tell him?

No answer. Disappointment, but I won’t give up.


Yes, she answered. I just hoped it was a good answer.

From :Ismania

To :Diana

I didn’t tell anybody. We need to talk.

- Ismania

Relief flooded my body, she didn’t tell anybody. I was okay if she wanted to talk, I had nothing against that. I would’ve done the same if I was in a situation like this one. She needed to know the truth. Cassandra the prophet told me to tell my friends before it’s too late. Ismania already knew, but Cecelia didn’t.

Menodora called me. I went downstairs huffily, trying to make sure every step I took was loud enough for her to hear. She was in the training room.

- Come on, she said without looking up.

I understood that she wanted me to train against holograms.

- I can’t. I have to go to school. Ismania didn’t tell anybody, I told her trying to get her attention.

- I don’t care, darkling, she said still not looking up.

I shook my head and made a quick text to Ismania.

Tomorrow, at sunset.

It was as if I could hear her phone buzzing, and her expression when she read the message.

- Get in already!

I went in the small room. The door closed behind me and I sighed. Good old Menodora, getting mad at me all over again. I knew that she’d try to make my opponents challenging today. Just to watch me get defeated by fake people. I couldn’t blame her, I would’ve done the same if I was angry after someone else.

I was right. Menodora was really mad at me. She made me fight sea angels without weapons. I know that it sounds stupid, but these sea angels had sharp teeth and quick moves. They were so different when they were calm, like Kailee. I got a few bites on my shoulder and one on my knee. Though it didn’t hurt me at all and for that, I was ashamed after myself. I wanted to feel the pain. I felt jealousy, love, but no pain. It seemed unfair to me and to the others. But let’s not go on that subject.

Menodora also made me murder a baby that reminded me so much of Kyle. I killed it with tears flooding my eyes. But I only killed it because it was a hologram. It took me time to stop crying for that stupid hologram. I’m a really sensible girl.

Last but certainly not least, the demons. She only gave me Faith and told me that Artemidoros couldn’t be used anymore. Apparently, it had to recharge. It was the worst lie I’ve ever heard.

She just didn’t want me to have Artemidoros.

She’ll get over it.

Ian met me in the hallway. It was a little awkward since the last time we’d seen each other, we were in bed together. But he didn’t seem to think that it was awkward. On the contrary, he seemed excited. I guess we were now officially dating.

- Diana, he said in a soft voice.

All the excitement I’d hoped for ran away and I heard sorrow in my name.

- What is it, Ian?

He looked around, making sure that no one was listening.

- I got the keys to deliver Ella, he whispered in my ear.

I shivered at the thought of letting Ella go. Not because it was a bad idea, on the contrary, it was amazing, but a had a flash of a thought about Menodora’s visions about Ella. She would kill me and I wasn’t sure if I was in the right path or the wrong one. I wasn’t sure if I’d chosen a good pathway.

Now that he’d gotten the keys, was he willing to sneak into Arthur’s coordinates without being seen and fulfilling his mission to save his beloved cousin?

- The keys to her cell or to Arthur’s house? I asked Ian, watching the gold keys he’d taken.

- To his house, he said grinning as if he was proud of what he’d done.

- Ian, where did you find these keys? Did someone give them to you?

- I found a spell from Menodora’s drawer. Look.

What did the spell have to do with the keys? He used magic?

I looked at the old paper he’d taken out of his pocket. An old handwriting with fine letters inked on the top. It read:

Rubare oggetti senza essere scoperti

Which meant in Italian:

Steal objects without being caught

A long list of words scattered the rest of the page and I didn’t bother to read it. I handed the paper back to Ian and he asked me:

- When do we go?

How was I supposed to know? Because I’m the Black Star?

- How about tonight? I randomly said.

His eyes were suddenly worried.

- Tonight, they torture her for information in front of the whole school so that she could be embarrassed. So hat she wouldn’t have any other choice but to tell them, he explained.

Why didn’t he say sooner? We had to get her today and tonight.

- What’s the problem with that? I asked him, still dozed from my questions surrounding my head.

- Well…Aren’t you supposed to keep your identity a secret? I mean, if we save her in front of all the school…

He broke off and I couldn’t blame him. It was true, I couldn’t do that in front of the whole school. I’d have to trick Arthur. Lead him along with the other seven hundred students to a trap.

I told Ian that I’d think of a plan and he just nodded and left back in the shadows.

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