Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The next morning, Kyle was still not in his bed. Ian and I had to continue and move on. Ian told me that Kyle would come around later on and if he didn’t, we would have to go get him ourselves. But now, we had other stuff on our mind. Sean Thorne was still out there. What island again? Rhodes? It was still a long way. I felt a rush of disappointment. Kyle was gone and we were still at the beginning.

- It’s getting dark, noticed Ian.

Yes, the air was certainly getting sinister and blurry. We walked for five hours.

- Where are we now? I asked Ian.

His feet were red and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. If I could feel anything, I would probably have red feet too.

Ian checked on his phone and looked up.

- We haven’t traveled on water yet, Diana. We are further than we think we are.

That was reassuring.

- Now, I’m starving, Ian.

Don’t underestimate me, I can still feel hunger and tiresome. Boredom comes in as well. But these were practically the only things I felt, if you don’t count emotions.

- There’s an old restaurant not too far from here.

I let out a sigh in relief.

- How far? I ask.

- A few miles away.

That wasn’t too far. I held his hand and we walked for a few minutes. I spotted the restaurant first and I read the sign.

La Fin de Faim

“The End of Hunger”.

- Come on, Ian!

He slowly climbed up the stairs and I helped him up. I admired the restaurant and my pleasure for it quickly vanished. Several old men, fat and strong, not wearing all their clothes, drinking wine and spitting on the floor. It disgusted me.

I turned at Ian, and his eyes told me to stay strong. I could always defend myself. What was I worried about?

- Secon’ table ova there. Ta yar left.

Ian nodded at the man and we went to sit next to a window. Ian sighed once he sat down and laid his back in appreciation.

- Finally.

I smirk and we order a steak for each with a bottle of wine.

- Ah! Good old fashioned steak, said Ian once our food arrived.

He took a bite and his face reddened.

- I have to go to the restroom.

I laugh as he hurry his way out. But that laugh immediately faded once I hear a conversation behind me. Two men.

- Ya hear what they talk ‘bout these days?

- Ya mean the Black Star? That Arthur lad is trying to get himself killed, George.

- Oh, he’s stronger than ya think, Rob.

- Who do ya think’ll win?

Win? Were they betting on who’ll win between me and Arthur?

- Arthur’ll win for sure, George. I’ll always be on the good team.

- Same here, Rob.

That was it. I turned towards them and join in their conversation before Ian comes back.

- You shouldn’t underestimate the Black Star, boys.

- What da ya know, little girl? asked the man called Rob.

- I know lots. I already fought Arthur.

I chew my piece of steak in my mouth in satisfaction. But have I fought Arthur? Na.

Not yet.

- The girl’s lyin’. Get outta here, hon.

I stay where I was.

- You don’t want to deal with me, darlin’.

I laugh.

- Bring it on.

I realise too late that it wasn’t a good idea. But the man called George took a small pocket knife out of his jeans and I couldn’t help but laugh even more.

- A knife?

- You’ll be sorry.

All the restaurant was listening to us and staring at me mostly.

They felt bad for me. They thought I would loose the fight. I take out my hand and my eyes darken. I can fell my iris’s and pupils falling into darkness. The white as well.

George crashes into the wall behind him. Everyone stays silent, and Rob helps George get up.

- I’m the Black Star.

I approach towards the two men. My face is only inches away from George’s and I grin.

- And I will not let Arthur win.

Everyone stays silent, but deep inside, I know that they have an urge to fight me off and scream and cry.



Oh god, I forgot about Ian. I stand up and turn to Ian, but stay beside George and Rob.

- Yes? I ask dramatically and a little too sarcastic.

I’ve angered him. Ian took me by the arm and shoved me out of the restaurant. Once I was outside, he stayed inside. I could here what he was saying to the men in the restaurant.

- She’s young, gentlemen. She doesn’t understand this fight. But I swear, you tell this little bit of information to any living soul, I shall let Diana shatter your soul in a way so painful that even the gods themselves would be afraid of.

Ian left the restaurant and the people stared at us through the windows. Ian tells me to leave, but I notice that a man slid a paper form the window.

I picked it up.

A picture of Arthur on it.

We will always be on the good team.

A rush of anger comes through me and Ian calls me again.


They all stay silent and one grins at me. He was the one who slid the paper.

- You don’t know Arthur. You can tell him I was here. THEN, YOU SHALL SEE THAT YOU—WERE—WRONG!

I spat every last word by ripping the picture of Arthur. I held my hand out and reminded myself of Rowena’s warning.

Leave and don’t hurt anyone. Or else we tell Arthur you were here.

And don’t hurt anyone.

My hand went down and Ian, on the edge of his patience, pulled me out of the action and we left into darkness.

- I never ever want you to do that again, understand me?

I look at him, but I don’t promise him.

- DIANA! STOP! Stop trying to lead Arthur towards you so that you could end him! You think that you’re the strongest, but he’s as strong.

His voice softened, tired.

- Just—go. Walk. We’re not done. We already have bigger problems.

I start to walk and think about what he told me. It hurt me, to think that that was what he thought of me. But he was right, even though I never realised it. As much as I didn’t want to believe it, Arthur was as strong as me, maybe even stronger. He had Kyle.

He had so many things that I didn’t have. He had the gods on his side. The people.

I had nothing of that.

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