Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I woke up in a startled emotion. So many emotions at the same time. That dream. Was it true? Or was I just hallucinating? But it seemed too real to be untrue. I had to tell Ian.


Was it true? Ian took my powers? I took off to wake him up.

- What? he asked, moaning.

- Is it true? Did you take my powers away?

If it was true, then that dream was too.

- What are you talking about?

His voice was shaky.

- Please, Ian. Don’t lie. I need to know if it’s true.

He looked into my eyes and probably wished he hadn’t.

- Fine, I did.

I nodded. The dream was true.

- Ian, I have something to tell you.

I told him the story and he put his clothes on in less than a minute.

- We have to warn Menodora.

He did and turned to me once he was done.

- What is it?

- She won’t pick up. Diana, Arthur already captured her.

That meant that my dream happened before I slept and after the restaurant incident. In the evening. He went in the night to get Menodora.

Now, Arthur had all the relatives. If I went to rescue my friends, Arthur would make me fall in his “trap”. One chance on two to succeed. If I don’t go, my friends will die to his hands. Zero chance to rescue them. But I was better than that. My friends needed me. If they needed me, I had to go get them.

We took our plane back to Canada. Arthur was at school, I was sure of that. I saw the background.

We were in Greece for a month. It passed faster than I’d thought.

I tense. Shiver. Mentally curse. Was I going to succeed this mission? I had to act quietly. What were we today? Monday. I didn’t want to die on a Monday. If Arthur caught me, I would ask him to wait until the week-ends because I’m pretty sure nobody would like to die on a Monday. It was kind of stupid if I thought about it. Were we actually Monday?

We left to Menodora’s headquarters and it seemed so weird to go in with nobody inside. Only me and Ian. That’s what I thought it would be. But I found out that Cassandra the prophet was waiting for me inside. She was crying.

- You have to win this, Diana. Kill Arthur. KILL HIM!

She got angry through her teary eyes. I nodded and she disappeared through the mist. I had to, I knew it. I had to kill him. Whether I liked it or not.

- Tonight, we leave. Diana, you go to deliver the prisoners. I’ll distract the guards. More like kill them. If I come across Arthur…

- I’ll kill him, I said.

He nodded and kissed my forehead.

- But now, we rest.

The rest didn’t last too long. I wasn’t tired. I was excited and terrified. It was seven o clock and Ian decided that we should go. The school was the same as I left it, except that their were people standing in the doorway. Guards, I supposed.

Ian gestured me to go by the roof. I could do it, but what was Ian going to do? I couldn’t ask him, he was already running away towards the school. I did as he asked and I climbed to the roof. It was harder than I thought since it was slippery. My hand fell and I nearly did as well, but I managed to go to the roof without falling on the ground. I knew I wouldn’t die, but I…

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