Chapter Six

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"It's nice to meet you I'm-" He doesn't finish his greeting when he looks up at me. His green eyes meet mine and they are insanely beautiful. Tony's eyes are green but not like this. They look like brand new eyes, not like mine. They look like two newly grown leaves. They shine when the sun hits them. I can't take my eyes off him.

"McDoofus, get your head out of the gutter and get snapping." Tony ruins the moment.

"Oh, I should probably give you this." I smile and hand him the camera. After looking at his hands to make sure he's got a grip on it, I see he's still looking at me.

"O-oh yeah, th-that would help." He's back and he comes with words.

"I'm Melissa Peters." As much as I would love to shake his hand I can't. I have to keep my hands to myself or one of us is going to drop something. He would drop the camera and I would drop my guard.

"Yeah it's nice to meet you." His smile is warm and inviting. "I-I'm Timothy McGee."

"Peters!" Crap. The last thing I need to do right now is piss off my boss. I can't let anything distract me. Not even the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen.

I run to Gibbs. When I reach him, he is kneeling with Ducky next to the Naval Officer. I get to their level, feeling those green eyes going down with me.

"Our officer died here, and we need another set of eyes to see things our eyes don't." Please stop saying the word eyes. I might go nuts. Then, it hits me. There was an error in his sentence.

"What is it Peters?"

Do I even ask how he knew I was holding something back? I clear my throat to prepare myself to tell my boss what he isn't seeing. "Well, you said she died here."


"But she didn't." All eyes turn to me when I tell Gibbs he was wrong. I keep my eye contact with him, so he knows I'm being serious. "She was shot point blank, but there is no blood around." Him and Ducky look around to see that I'm right. "If you look at the back of her neck that's revealed on her right side, there are dirt marks going vertically."  Everyone is inching closer to the body but they're examining me. "Most likely she was murdered here in the woods, just not in this spot."

Gibbs hasn't looked away from me for a second. I can't afford to look away from him or he will think I am second guessing myself. The only thing I am second guessing on is opening my mouth.

"Why is everybody standing around? I need drag marks and anything that has blood on it!" Gibbs gets up to leave the body on the floor with me. "Good work Peters."

Gibbs' team and local cops are everywhere looking for drag marks and for blood. I start walking east of the body because that is where the dirt mark is on her neck. Also, not many people are looking in this area. I hear the crunching of leaves behind me. Normally I would be nervous and on my guard. With Gibbs' team around, I know I have nothing to worry about.

"Hey," Tim's voice makes my heart race, but I'm still focused which is all I need. I smile at him, so he knows I heard him. "That was really good back there. Are you, um, you sure you haven't done this before?" The giggle he squeezed into his question makes me blush. I don't think I mind it.

"You mean figure out the murder of a body in the woods? I do that every weekend to pass the time." My joke was poor but we both giggle and look at the ground for evidence.

"So, you're Abby's new assistant. How's that going so far?"

"It went well. I don't think I'm Abby's assistant right now. I think I am Gibbs' or Ducky's."

"Yeah, I was surprised to see you here."

I stop in my tracks and look him in the eyes. I feel myself becoming more distracted the longer I stare. I get back to looking for evidence.

"Not that it's a bad thing you're here. Clearly, w-we need you, or needed you for what you just did. Not did but what you figured out." He doesn't only stutter, but he rambles when he is nervous. He takes his cap off because of the heat. It brought my attention back to him. The sun hits his brownish-blond hair, I had to turn away or I might have lost my eye sight.

"Don't worry Tim I know what you meant. You should have seen me when Gibbs told me I was coming here." No, he should have not. That would have made our meeting even worse. I get more distracted from doing my job when he gets a few feet ahead of me.

He's 6'1 and it is very becoming. I bet Tony holds it over him that he is an inch taller. When I think about it, he is an inch closer to me in size. Not that it matters or anything. He put his NCIS cap back on and it doesn't flatter him any less. Though, I think I prefer him without it.

I stop in my tracks to notice only his shoes are leaving light marks in the dirt. Why aren't mine? Tim turns around when he hears I stopped following him.

"You're wearing chucks, a very light shoe. I'm surprised Gibbs didn't make you change. Not that it matters it's just, well. If you don't want to get them dirty you should find a pair, you don't like." I walk past him and turn towards where we were coming from.

"Did it rain here recently?"

Tim turns around to see what I see. Foot prints slightly pressed into the ground. Tim looks back in my direction looking up at the sky.

"It must have, and it's cloudy behind you. While west where the body is, it's sunny and dry." He looks at me, I can tell he thinks we are thinking the same thing. Sadly, for him I'm not. Lucky for me, because my boss and no one else is around. I step back in confusion, feeling pressure on the back of my ankle.

"Look out!" I start to fall backwards from tripping over a rock I didn't see. McGee runs to me and grabs my arm. He brings me towards him dropping the camera and puts his hand on my lower back. Normally, I would be hating myself for not noticing the rock behind me. I can't think straight around him. I feel McGee's heart beat with my chest pressed against his body. He stares at me as I stare at him. In this moment, I wish I was able to read his mind like he is mine.

"Thanks," I have never been this speechless before. Probably because nothing like this has happened to me before. I hope he can't tell from the away I'm acting. Many seconds have passed before I realize our bodies are still together. "I could have been the next one you had to examine." I step back from him looking back at the rock that tried to take me down.

"No, I wouldn't let that happen." I turn back to him feeling like I know nothing about him. I was able to read everyone else here perfectly. Why not him? Why am I letting him mess with my mind? "We, we wouldn't let that happen." His hand motions to his team going in different directions. I can't think of any words to say to make him feel better about his slip. I just smile at him, that seems like the only thing I can do around him.

"I've got something!" Ziva's voice vibrates throughout the area. I head towards her voice with out any hesitation. I didn't mean to leave my friend behind me. I can't afford my focus to be messed with more than it already has been.

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