Chapter Twenty Nine

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"I would say I have never been more ashamed of myself in my life, but you didn't see me the next night when all the college girls were at the bars catching up with their hometown friends."

I try to focus on what Tony is saying. I try harder to hide that fact that I am hiding from two people; Tim and Jimmy.

"Since when do you put sugar in your coffee?"

"I don-" I look down and my hands are ripping at a sugar packet. Luckily Tony stopped me when he did, or it would have been like drinking poison. I give it to Tony because I know he can't get enough of the stuff.

"The party just doesn't stop for you does it?" I try to act like my mind is in this conversation fully.

"It's genetic and you would know that if you stayed with us."

Nothing comes to mind as a good response to that. I want to believe that he only knows Tim has a crush on me, but how can I when Tim is kicking him under the table and driving me home? Thankfully, he nudges me in the arm taking me out of my worries.

"And you can't blame us for wanting the party gene to rub off on you."

"Now it's contagious like a disease?"

He attempts to moon walk and bumps into a woman who hits him with his purse.

I try to speak through my laughter. "What could you have possibly gotten up to when I left Ducky's?"

"That's actually what I was going to ask you."

Hearing those words makes my hands shake. "How would I know? You did something when I left which means gone, not there, said bye-bye."

Tony steps in front of me and sighs. He chugs his coffee which burns his throat. I can see it in his eyes and red face.

"Whatever I said to you over the phone can we just forget it ever happened?"

I look at him confused. I didn't talk to Tony when I left the house.

"My phone the next day said I called you in the wee hours of the night. I don't know what I said but can we just forget about it?"

All this hiding from Tim and Jimmy has made me forget that Jimmy called me on Tony's phone. He has no idea what happened that night. If he thinks he is the one who called me that night, that means he has no idea what Jimmy said to me.

"Forget what was said?"

"Unless you don't want to? Do you want to address it? I rather not but if you want to."

"Tony, it was nothing. It was literally nothing bad between you and me." It's true. "You can stop stressing about it."

"Sounds so fun when you say it."

Now that I know that Tony knows nothing; that just leaves Ziva, Ducky, and Jimmy. I am not too worried about Ziva since she was tipsy by the time we left. The person that worries me the most is Ducky. I have this feeling I shouldn't be worried about him, but he was the only sober one there. I am nervous to confront Jimmy about what he said but at least I'll be confronting the person who said it.

"So, I didn't say anything that you could blackmail me with in the future?"


When we get to the squad room Ziva is at her desk looking as if she is still hungover.

"Good morning sunshine!" Tony teases.

"Shut up DiNoisey."

"Never mind no sunshine here. Just cloudy with a huge chance of thunderstorms."

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