Chapter Thirty Eight

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Dinner wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. The only awkward moments were when Ziva and Jimmy would make eye contact. They would look away quickly from one another and from what I could tell I was the only one to see it. Tony enjoyed his popcorn and mashed potatoes. He said he wouldn't eat the fish unless it was wrapped in rice and seaweed.

One thing that I noticed is that Jimmy never looked up at me. That makes two people at the table he won't look at. He talked to everyone besides us. Abby talked to him the most. I can see now more than ever that they are family and how much this family means to Abby. I want to try my best in fixing this for everyone.

We are gathered around the campfire with Ducky sitting on the biggest stump. Gibbs offered it to him, so he doesn't have to get down too low. Tim took the stump next to me.

We have marshmallows, chocolate, and Graham crackers. Gibbs got reusable sticks that as long as we clean them after they are good for a long time. Another thing that doesn't sound like Gibbs would have.

Tony starts to bend over and groan.

"Too many sandwiches Tony?"

"S'mores, Ziva they're s'mores."

He burps louder than the thousands of crickets that surround us and starts to get up. "Well, I think that's it for me."

"You're going to bed?"


"You can't!"

All eyes are on me. Gibbs eyes are burning a hole through my head. "We have to plan."


"Plan what?"

Yes, Melissa plan what?

"The thing that we are all planning..."

I look at Ziva reminding her that I am doing this for her.

"Melissa is right. Don't you remember the thing?"


"Tony sit down!"

"But I'm cold!"

"I will go inside and get blankets."

"I'll go with you." Gibbs gets up and starts to follow me into the cabin. He takes me to this tiny door that turns out to be a closet full of towels and blankets. I take three and he takes three.

He stops me before I can exit. "After I called my father on Thanksgiving I got to thinking. He told me I need time to relax. He told me that I should focus on what's important to me here. He also told me to listen to the smart girl that told me to call him. He also says thank you."

"He's welcome."

"When he told me, he wanted me to relax, this was the first thing that came to mind. I just thought all of us deserved to be together for a while."

"That's very sweet of you Gibbs. I know we all appreciate it. This is something we will all remember."

When we get back to everyone, no one is talking. They all get so excited to see Gibbs and I have returned with a blanket for everyone besides Gibbs and Ducky. They both decide it is their time to go to bed. When they turn the corner, I wait to hear the closing of the door before I say anything.

"All right. We all know what happened this morning wasn't fun for anyone of us. But we aren't going to fix anything unless we talk about it."

Everyone becomes uncomfortable from my words.

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