Chapter Twenty Eight

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At 11:30pm, a sober Abby was outside my house. She didn't text or call to tell me she was outside. She came to the door and knocked since she probably found out the doorbell didn't work. I ran upstairs thankful that her knock didn't wake up James. I was in my pajamas expecting to talk to her outside, but she invites me over for the night. I didn't hesitate to get into the car. Also, I forgot that she told me she sleeps in a coffin. It doesn't bother me though, it's comfortable.

Sober Abby and Melissa didn't last very long by the time we got here. I practically begged for a beer when I walked through the door. I remember falling on her couch and having her intensely listening and not interrupting. The last thing I remember telling her was that Tim finally told me that he wanted me. Then, the beer reached my lips and I couldn't tell her about the phone call with Jimmy. That's when she guided me to her spare coffin and put me in it.

I turn off the music coming from my iPod. I sit up and see Abby sitting in her coffin and she is holding a cup of coffee for me. I take the coffee but can barely hold it down.

"God, how many beers did I have?"

"Well, I'm not god but you took a gulp every time you said Tim's name."

A tiny cry escapes my mouth and I fall back into the coffin. "Shut the top Abby and put me out of my misery."

"That would be murder, so no." Her face peaks over the coffin.

She helps me up and we head over to the table.

"Well, I feel like this I might as well finish what I started."

"There's more?" She runs and gets me a glass of water. She almost falls but I don't think she's letting anything get in her way to be by my side. "I knew there had to be more. I knew you didn't drink all those beers for nothing." I don't want to know how many I consumed anymore.

She sits down right next to me shoving the water to me and looks at me the way she did last night. "Okay, I'm ready."

I start rubbing my hands on my thighs from the nerves. "Actually, what was the last thing I told you?"

She doesn't let a single second go by before answering the question. "Tim wants you and only you."

Great. I was right. I take a few deep breaths to help myself relax. The only thing that is going to help me relax is to figure out how I am going to handle this.

"Jimmy called me on Tony's phone last night and called me breathtaking and cute."

She gasps. "He did what! Well, how did he say it? Romantically? Making conversation? Did this happen when you called me?"

"Abby he was fucking hammered! He was slurring his words and kept apologizing for being an idiot and an ass for whatever reason. I had no idea what to do. I still don't know, that's why I came to you."

"Drunk mouths say sober thoughts."

"That doesn't help me." I bury my head in my arms. "How am I supposed to approach this? Do I tell Tim? What do I tell Jimmy?"

"Are you going to have to tell Jimmy?"

"The less people that know the better. I just wanted to tell you everything. Besides everyone else, you are the closest one to me and I'm sorry that I-"

"No, no, not the Tim the thing. If Jimmy was as drunk as you said he was maybe he doesn't remember the phone call himself."

I don't think I have loved Abby more than I do at this moment. I could barely remember the talk Abby and I had last night. There is no way he could remember calling me.

"Okay what if Tony reminds him? He called me on Tony's phone remember?"

"I doubt it. It's not like Tony knows what he was telling you. From what you told me last night, Tony knows nothing about you and McGee."

She's right about that. Tony sounded a little gone himself the way he called Jimmy's name last night. Who knows what he remembers?

"Abby you're a genius."

"So, I have been told."

I don't know what I would have done if I didn't come to Abby. All I have to do is make sure Jimmy doesn't remember and then worry about telling Tim. "Hey Abbs?" She leans in to show me that she is listening.

"I am sorry for being jealous over your past with Tim. It's not like I was here for it. I don't know why I let it get to me. I'm sorry for pushing you away because of that."

She gets up and gives me a hug. "It's okay. Especially because you already told me this last night."

"I know I did."

I squeeze her tighter and have her focus on me. "Abby?"


"Can we go back to the coffins?"

She smiles and takes us back. I go to plug my earbuds in my iPod when Abby stops me.

"Leave them out. It was nice falling asleep to music."

I do as she says and let Def Leppard fill the room. I close my eyes and try to imagine Tim lying next to me, in a bed. There is no way that both of us would be able to fit in here. I can imagine us trying, but not in Abby's house.

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