Chapter Thirty One

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"How are you doing, Peters?"

I walk into the lab to be welcomed by Abby and Gibbs on the computer.

"Gibbs! You have been in Delaware for about two seconds? Ran out of things to do already?"

I manage to get a chuckle out of him. He is in a car and not holding the phone very well. The picture is also blurry. You would think that NCIs would have a better connection no matter where you are.

"No, I just wanted to tell you this in person. Or through screen talking."

"Webcam." Abby coughs the word as if I am not in the room.

Gibbs rolls his eyes. It's like he never left.

"I just wanted to tell you while I'm gone that you only answer to Abby."

"Okay, Gibbs. Always." When Gibbs is telling me this information I know not to question it.

"Bye Gibbs!"

In one click Gibbs is no longer on the computer. I look around the room and there is no evidence wrapped in bags or tags. I see if Abby is working on anything, but the computer is on the home screen.

"So, is there something he wants us to do?"

Abby takes off her tan coat revealing a blue dress and black heeled boots. She hands me her coat and heads for the door.

"He'll let us know and when he does I will come back."

"Where are you going!"

"On a date! I'll see you later!"

I have to catch her quick. "I talked to Jimmy!" I had to say it without worrying who would hear it.

Luckily, it got her back. "Bufert can wait."

Bufert? Never mind. Weird that Abby would be going on a date in the middle of the day when she is supposed to be here. I hope she comes back in time before he notices because I am not in the mood for lying to my boss.

I tell her how he has no idea that he called me that night. Whatever everyone was drinking that night did the trick to saving my relationship with Tim. What I don't tell her is that I have to worry about; telling Tim, finding out what happened to Ziva that is making her feel embarrassed, and that I am curious about what Tony wanted to tell me. She doesn't have to know about any of that. Some of those things aren't my business to share.

"Well, you know what you have to do but how are you going to do it?"

I start pacing the room because my mind starts racing and if I don't move my brain will follow out of my head.

"Abby, I have no idea. He is so happy today." I think of all things he has been doing to do me today and realize that's something I am also going keep to myself. "I don't want to ruin that."

"The longer you wait the harder it is going to hurt."

I stop pacing and finally come to a decision. "When I feel that the time is right I will tell him."

She comes to me and gives me a hug trying to give me her strength. If there is anything I needed it was that talk and this hug. I don't know how I am going to approach the conversation, but it has got to happen. She is right when she says the longer I keep this from him the harder it is going to affect our relationship in the most negative way. Also, with Gibbs not being here and Abby going on her date I stand alone in these situations.

I follow Abby to the squad room and see the first situation I am going to take care of.

I say goodbye to Abby and walk over to Ziva's desk and lightly tap it and keep walking. "Let's go Ziva."

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