Chapter 43

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I can tell we are both nervous when we get to his place because he sat in the car for a minute before he turned it off. He asked me if I was sure I wanted to stay, and I said yes. He said if I ever want to go home, I just have to let him know. I gave him a kiss and that gave him the confidence to get out of the car. He knows about my mother, but he knows nothing about James. I don't intend to go over that tonight. We are taking baby steps. I know it doesn't seem that way with us being here, but we are, and I can feel it. I can feel it in his hand squeezing mine while we walk to the door. We both are dragging our feet because we don't know what it going to happen behind it. We are going to be together and that is what is important to me now.

When he opens the door my jaw drops. He has huge book case filled with not only books but files, boxes, and I think some games?

He takes his jacket from me and goes into another room. I follow him lightly and notice there is a desk behind the book case. This room itself is bigger than my living room and kitchen put together. I look at the books and remember that I liked to read when I was younger. My mom was a firm believer in renting her books instead of buying them. I don't know why she didn't want to own them, but I took after her to make her happy. I walk beside the case looking at all of the books, I notice he has comic books too.

"Oh t-those are just-"

"Comic books? Yeah, I've seen them before Tim."

He nods his head and keeps staring at me. I look up and down the case and realize I'm too short to look at the top. I look at the bottom shelf and pick up a book I have never seen before. I pick it up and he starts to walk over to me.

"Deep Six. I've never seen this before."

He tries to grab it. "Oh, it's nothing."

I take the book and put it behind my back. "Oh, really?"


"Then, why can't I look at it."

"Melissa, it's not important."

"But I want to see it."

Next thing you know he has me up against the wall still fighting for the book. He looks into my eyes and then he stops. I can feel him breathing. His lips are so close to mine that I can't think, and I drop the book behind me. His lips graze mine and I go in. My lips are moving against his and so are my hips. He picks me up and I put my legs around him. He starts to walk, I don't know where he is taking me, but I don't care. I let out a little shriek when my back hits a bed and he is on top of me. He stops and moves the hair out of my face and looks into my eyes.

"You are so beautiful."

I'm playing with the collar on his shirt. I really want to take it off, but something tells me this isn't the time. "You're not so bad yourself."

He kisses me and moves to my neck. I can't focus on my breathing. He is taking my breath away. His lips stop, and he starts going down to my breasts. My dress is strapless, so I can still feel his lips. He looks up at me. "Is this okay?"

"Yes, Tim you don't have to ask."

When I'm finally able to catch my breath. Tim comes back up to me. He kisses me harder than he did before. I push him off, so I am on top of him. I'm straddling him, and he is putting his hands through my hair. His arms then wrap around my entire body.

I start to unbutton his shirt and he's rubbing my thighs. He leans back up to kiss my chest. When I finally get the shirt undone, I push him back down. I get off the bed and kneel on the floor. I can hear him breathing and it's making me crazy.

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