Chapter Sixteen

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We have been sitting in my car outside his apartment for ten minutes. Our seatbelts are off and my legs are crossed as I face him. He is leaning on his door facing me listening to every word I'm saying. I've been telling him about my day with Ziva. I tell him how in front of her and everyone I was focused and prepared. But when we were making our way to the gym I thought I was going to throw up.

I can tell he's listening. He laughs at every joke I make, and his facial expressions match up with my story. I'm glad he's listening. I don't talk to anyone like this besides Abby but that's different. Abby doesn't make me nervous the way he does. I ask him how his day was hoping he will want to still talk.

He tells me how there was a body found in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The body was right under the boardwalk. Before they could get started doing anything the FBI came in and said the case was theirs.

"How could they do that?"

"The boy is one of their agent's kid. We don't have a choice but to back off."

That word sends a chill throughout my body. "Boy?"

"Yup. He just turned 18 and signed up for the Navy immediately. Besides it wouldn't be fair if one of ours died and the FBI tried to interfere."

"Gibbs is just going to let them?"

"What do you mean?"

"He doesn't seem like the type to back off that easy."

McGee is just staring at me like he is trying to figure something out. I didn't mean to sound like a know it all it's just what I feel. These guys haven't had a body for days which is a good thing for the Navy. At the end of the day it is good for everyone.

"You're really good at reading people, aren't you?" He leans his body closer to mine. His arms are resting on the console and I can't move. I smile and look down at my legs. I have to stop doing that.

"I suppose. Yet, there are a few people I can't figure out." I face him again and rest my elbow on top of the wheel.

"Do I know them?"

More than you know. "Maybe or maybe not." I like being playful with him. It's fun and cute when he plays along.

"Do you want to get to know them?"

More than anything. "Yeah, I do."

We're staring at each other waiting for the other to talk. McGee starts to say something but stops. I want to push it out of him, but I was lucky to get more time with him tonight, so I won't. We exchange goodnights and I drive off waiting for tomorrow to come.

I'm filing papers for Abby because she hates it. She didn't explain why but I didn't ask. I didn't oppose because I like things being organized. She's on her computer in her office. She keeps the door open, so we can talk.

All of a sudden, she pushes herself against her desk and rolls into the lab on her chair. "What are you doing Friday night?"

"Coming here?"

She rolls over to me clapping her hands together. "Eeeeert! Wrong! You're coming with us to get drinks."

Huh? "Who's us?"

"Duh the whole team and you're coming."

This is surreal.  The thought of all of us going out together brings me to Abby's level of excitement. If that is even possible.

"Alright I'm there. Where are we going?"

"This little bar down town. We tried to pick a bar that isn't "in" in hoping Gibbs will show up."

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