Chapter Thirty Five

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Vance sent me to the lab to help gather everything we need and I come back to Abby pacing back and forth in worry over what just took place.

"I can't believe that just happened. I can't believe that just happened!" She's throwing different type of equipment into a duffle bag, but not very carefully.

"Did you catch up to Tim? Please tell you caught up, apologized, and you guys kissed and made up."

"Well, no." If I tell her what just happened it might make her feel worse.

"Oh god what more could have happened?"

Good job Melissa. "Abby let's focus on packing and think about how the hell this trip is going to do us any good."

"No Melissa! We need this trip. We need to confront each other and talk about what happened!"

Abby shuts the bag to only open it again three more times. I have been no help in packing. She has everything done but is over thinking. I'm not overthinking. I don't know what I am thinking. Tony lying isn't that big of a deal. That will be put after everyone else. I just want to focus on me and Tim. If there is a me and Tim.

"I don't even have any extra clothes!"

"They give us only thirty minutes to stop home and gather what we need."

"I bet that's where Tim is now."

"Do you want a ride?"

"No my car is here. If I leave now I might have time to stop at his apartment and fix this."

I head for the door and Abby blocks me from leaving. "Melissa. This isn't the time."

Isn't the time? If I'm correct she is the one who sat next to me when the incident was displayed to everyone. If anything this is the time to fix it before we are put in a car for three hours.

"Ziva and Jimmy were exposed kissing in front of all of us."

"It was also exposed that Jimmy was calling me cute and breath taking. What did I do? Didn't tell a soul besides you and didn't hang up the phone."

I look at her and hear how ridiculous I sound in comparison.

"You and Tim are the only ones besides me who knows about you and Tim. Ziva and Jimmy must be so embarrassed and everyone knows it."

She's right. Fixing the relationships I have with my friends comes first. I'm hurting but I am hurting in private. Ziva and Jimmy are hurting because they kissed and didn't even know about it until now. Come to think of it I can't even imagine how Ducky feels. He is the reason the truth came out.

"I'm going to get clothes from my house and meet you back here."


I turn around and Abby comes at me with a hug.

"Everything is going to be okay."

"I hope you're right."

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