Chapter Thirty Nine

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The next day at the cabin was better than the first. I woke up in the bed under Ziva not remembering how I got there. I woke up to the sound of someone in the kitchen, so I got up to see who it was. On my way there, Tim grabbed me into the hallway and told me good morning with a kiss. Usually, I would have melted in his arms and kissed him until I heard another noise. This time people were feet away and could see us at any minute. When he was done kissing me, he told me that we fell asleep in the car talking to each other. He woke up at four in the morning and I was still laying on his body. He didn't want to move me, but he didn't want us to get caught. He lifted me off his body and carried me in the room and made sure he knew Ziva and Abby were fast asleep. I can't wrap my mind around the fact that during all of that I didn't wake up once.

In the kitchen, there wasn't much besides Cheerios and eggs. We were lucky to have the orange juice and milk in the refrigerator.

When we were all done eating breakfast, we went on a long hike just to end up back at the lake to fish again. This time I got a boat with Tim and to show that everything was fixed; Ziva and Jimmy got in a boat together. Tim made sure to take us away from everyone else and he started to compliment me to no end. I started to do the same to him but he told me to stop or he would reveal our secret to everyone by leaping on my side on the boat and kiss me. Even though we stopped, Tim and I couldn't keep our eyes off each other. When I would take my eyes off him I would turn to Jimmy for him to quickly turn away. I know he said everything was okay, but I couldn't help but feel bad. Then, Tim splashed me with water and accidentally got Tony as well, who sneaked up on us. Tony wasn't going to let it go so he started to splash Tim too. When the two of them started splashing with their paddles our boats started shaking and the boys, Abby, and I went over. When I got my head out of the water, I saw Gibbs and everyone else laughing at us.

Dinner was the same as the night before. Tony made popcorn again with no shame. I was the only one allowed to have any because I said it was a good idea. I sat next to Tony and Ziva this time with everyone else across from us and Gibbs sitting at the end. I noticed Tim would give Tony a look every time we would laugh together. Can I blame him? I was jealous of him and Abby for a while. I am over it now that I know that she is our biggest fan. He will relax like I did when he finally believes there's nothing between me and Tony. During dinner I wondered if Tim would be at ease if Tony knew about him and I. I decided to keep that to myself for a while because of everything we just went through.

After dinner, we decided to have another campfire. Tony had more s'mores than he did the night before. He said he had more room because he didn't have mashed potatoes. Gibbs didn't have nay because he wasn't feeling well. Everyone stayed up later than the night before and it was more fun since everything was settled. I think Gibbs noticed everyone's mood changed and he wanted to be apart of it a little while longer. Then, Tony and Jimmy had a burping contest and somehow Ducky won. We could all see the tiredness in Gibbs and Ducky's eyes, but Gibbs was the one to head to bed first. Then, Ducky stood up before everyone and made an announcement.

"I want all of you to know how deeply sorry I am for yesterday morning's disaster. I truly hope you all know I would not purposely embarrass or expose any one of you on purpose. I should have viewed the video by myself and pulled the guilty party aside." He eyed Tony who mouthed the word sorry and Ducky patted him on the shoulder. "I apologize for causing tension and awkwardness between the group. I hope you all can find it in your hearts to forgive me."

Before he could get away, we trapped him in a group hug and assured him that he couldn't have known what was on it. We told him how none of us even knew what happened that night, except the incident between me and Jimmy. I ended up being connected to Jimmy in the hug and it was the first time he looked at me since we made up. At that moment, it felt as if we were finally going to leave everything in the past. Ducky was pleased that all of us did not blame him for what happened. He just wanted to know what happened to his mother's belongings. He said goodnight to all of us and we all saw a weight go off of his shoulders.

I had so much energy that night that I just wanted to roam around and not care if I get lost. Abby and joined me along with Tony and Tim. Ziva ended up staying behind with Jimmy. When I walked out of the cabin after grabbing a sweatshirt, it looked like they were having an intense discussion.

The four of us were acting like teenagers: running around, screaming at the top of our lungs to hear our echoes scream back at us. Tony started asking questions about the planets and why we can't go past a certain point. Abby talked about us being a family as she always was does. She even mentioned her brother who has met everyone already and that he knew they were special to her, so they were special to him. Tim and I kept quiet as we laid next to each other and tried to hold hands without anyone seeing. We only got to holding pinkies but that was good enough for me.

When the rest of them went to bed, Tim gave me a look and took me outside. He brought a blanket and we sat next to each other on one of the tables. We ended up kissing here and there and talking about how we don't want this weekend to end. We don't mind sneaking around over here because it's easy. It's as if NCIS doesn't exists and we can be together. Even though Gibbs can walk out of the cabin at any second, we feel as if it is just us.

We ended up kissing for hours again, this time I made it to bed by myself, but Tim didn't stop kissing my neck until I reassured him I would dream about him that night.

When everyone gathered their stuff together the next morning everyone said goodbye to the cabin. No one wanted to leave but we knew people and the Navy needed us. We all got in the cars we came in and headed for home. I was so sad to leave that I put my head on Abby's lap and started to think of the memories we made. She started to rub her fingers through my hair and I started to drift off. Then, Jimmy looked back at us and told me that this wasn't the last vacation we would have together. That was the first time we smiled at each other and meant it.

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