Chapter 88

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"Gibbs might kill me for this."

I roll my eyes at his comment. "Oh please. I've got it covered." I kiss him on the cheek and start making my way to see the boys.

Tim follows me putting the phone number I was searching for into my phone. A phone number wasn't the only thing I needed. I needed a lot more information than that. I'm not that incompetent when it comes to technology. At least, I hope not.

While we pass the squad room, I see Ziva holding what I'm assuming to be a cup of coffee. I wonder if it's still hot. I hope she's been drinking it because she needs something in her system. I know from experience that coffee isn't good on an empty stomach, but as long as it's something.

I ignore Tim as he gives his ID number to the person on the other end of the phone. Everyone's ID number is different. If I gave mine it would show up on the computer as an assistant. If I was doing what I asked Tim to do, they would laugh and tell me to have someone like Tim to call them back. I know I'm jumping to conclusions but it's the only way I get into crime scenes. Gibbs says that I'm with them or I have a hat or a jacket on with our name on it. Either way, they're the ones that always assure my entrance anywhere.

"I can't believe I'm on hold for this place."

I don't address what he said. "Where's Tony?"

No one is with Ziva. Someone had to have gotten that coffee for her. The towel is still wrapped around her. I would assume by now that she would have changed her clothes, but she hasn't. It's weird looking at her like this. I don't see Ziva. I don't know who I see.

"Went to go get Ziva coffee. I don't know where he went afterwards."

I knew it.

"Yes, we will pay all charges. What? You're putting me on hold again? Where could he be in a place that... yes, I'll still hold."

I put my hand on the shoulder of my man. We stop in a corner of a hallway where no one should come. He's stressed, upset, and exhausted. I see that. He doesn't want to show it, but I can see it. I put my fingers in his and his shoulders drop. He's staring at our hands and closes his eyes.

"How many hours ago were we spending our Valentine's Day together?"

I shake my head. "Do you really want to know the answer to that?"

We're pathetic, but we're pathetic together. Here we are hiding in the corner of work holding hands. We feel sorry for ourselves when we shouldn't be. The only one who's allowed to be sad for themselves is Ziva. I can't go over everything that she lost again. I don't want to think about it but thinking about Tim and I is too selfish for me to do. It's all I can think about right now with his hand in mine.

He puts his forehead against mine and I don't want to move. I flinch every time I see a shadow around the corner.

"What are we going to do?"

I swallow hard before thinking of a plan. "After they catch up, maybe he can give us some information we don't already have."

He pushes his body away. I think that he's finally getting through to the other end of the phone.

"That's not what I meant, but I'm glad you have a plan."

What else could I mean? I have to stop myself from looking around the corner to see Ziva sitting in the same spot as she has been all day. It's not like Gibbs can send her home. Just thinking about that makes my heart drop to my stomach.

He places a kiss on my forehead, and I flinch. It felt nice but I can hear footsteps coming around the corner. It's Tony.

"Where have you been?" I've seen him today as much as I've seen Gibbs these past few weeks.

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