Chapter 70

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I wake up to my phone ringing. I throw my body up in the air in remembrance that I have work today. I slam my head back on the pillow because I don't want to get up yet. I want to close my eyes and dream about the trip all over again.

The drive home was fun. We listened to more of the mixtape he made. I stopped the CD when we were close to home and told him, we should listen to the rest the next time we go on a trip like this. That way, we both promise ourselves to do something like we did this weekend again.

When we were minutes away from my house, Tim invited me to stay the night with him since we were about to pass his apartment. I told him it wasn't a good idea because I would never want to get up in the morning. I'm still in my head too much about the whole rule 12 thing anyway. I would think hearing the words fall from his mouth about how we will never get caught, and if I leave, he leaves, my nerves would be calmer. It's just the opposite. I want to keep my job, but I want him to keep his more. We have to be extra careful and showing up to work together is not playing it safe.

He dropped me off and we couldn't tear ourselves away from each other. He was kissing me. My hands were traveling all over his body. When we stopped kissing, I wasn't in a rush to get out, and he wasn't in a rush to get home. We both sat there. We had a few more seconds together because he wanted to get my stuff out of the trunk himself. We were dragging our feet to get there.

Once he got my things out, he zipped up his sweatshirt that I was wearing. I was going to ask him if he was positive that he wanted me to have it. Before I could, his lips were on mine. I pulled his body to mine. My hips were going against his. It was getting intense when he stopped. He said if he didn't, he was going to take me to his apartment no matter what I said.

At first, I was sad when I was unlocking the front door to my tiny house. Then, I remembered how much I enjoy the simple life. The stories that this house holds are nothing simple, but the idea of a small house is, and I missed it. I missed my little yard. I missed my tiny kitchen. I can't believe I'm saying any of this, but I missed it all.

I saw James sitting in his chair watching the news. I didn't feel a need to let him know I was back. Who else would be at the door? I held all my hard feeling and sarcasm back. Seeing him in that chair reminded me of the night I thought I lost the knife he gave me. I thought about it and realized I would react the same way if he wasn't in that chair when I got back, or ever.

"How was the city?" He asked.

"It was fine." I walked passed him trying to hold back my smile. He would've asked me why I was smiling, and I didn't want to answer that question.

I turned to him before walking down stairs. "I'm going to empty this, and I will put it back in your room." I want to have a tiny conversation. If he knew how I reacted that night, he would give me one. I don't want him to feel like he has to talk to me. I just want him to do it.

"No, keep it. Where am I going anyway?" I didn't know how to react. James... attempting to make a joke? I got it, and it was funny. The fact all together blew my mind.

I didn't want to bring it up, but since we were surprising each other I decided not to tell him what happened. I just told him what I always have done. "I was carrying your knife when I went there. For protection, you know?"

He responded a few seconds later. Except, being as vulnerable as I was, it left like hours.

"Good. You remember everything I taught you right?"

"Yes, sir."

I haven't called him sir since I was in high school. When my mom passed, I was shoved around to friend's house to friend's house before they all turned on me. I noticed he was home more than he used to be at the time. In the morning before school, I was lucky if I got to say goodbye to him. My mom and him got more time together than I did because they both worked and had to be up early. I never knew if he was going to be home for dinner. I never knew if he was going to kiss me goodnight. Basically, I never knew if I was going to see him during the day. I only knew I was definitely seeing him on Sundays, because if he didn't show up to church, my mom would have lost her shit. All I know is that he was in the Marines when he got the wound, but that was before I was born. That's all I know about him career wise.

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