Ask 16

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Sam flinched as the asker teleported close to him, instinctively curling into a ball, but he payed attention to what they were saying

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Sam flinched as the asker teleported close to him, instinctively curling into a ball, but he payed attention to what they were saying.

"W-wait, people actually care about m-me and George? I-I guess the last asker could c-count as that group?" Sam exclaimed, wishing that this asker wasn't so uncomfortably close. As the asker explained more, Sam stopped them.

"W-wait people draw what now?" He asked, hoping he didn't hear what he thought he heard, but let the asker continue.

"I...but why do these people want us to get hurt? W-Why? Do they h-hate us?" Sam began to stress himself out again, and George hugged him tightly, and Charles floated halfway through the couch, putting his arms around Sam as if he was hugging him, though he couldn't.

"Don't worry, Sam. Something tells me that the author, or admin, or whatever she is doesn't hate you. I can't say the same for the other readers though." Charles said, a pathetic attempt at comforting his friend. It seemed to work, though.

And Charles glared at the asker after they said the last part.

"Yeah, um, if you could kindly go-" Charles started, but his form flickered as he started to swear at the asker.

"Did- Did the author just try to, like, make me disappear forever? For swearing at one of these askers?" Charles asked,  angry and confused at what had just happened. It was true, technically Charles would flicker before ceasing to exist if he insulted and asker. After all, you can't have your characters insulting the readers.

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