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As he fell, Charles just kind of

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As he fell, Charles just kind of...braced himself, honestly not expecting anyone to catch him, but he was surprised when the asker did. But after hearing that last sentence, he quickly pushed himself away from them, blushing awkwardly and laughing, his face bright red. Sam tackled him into a hug, apologizing profusely.

"Charlie, I-I'm so sorry for s-suggesting we climb the tree, I-I almost k-killed you, I'm- I'm so sorry..." He sobbed, clinging to Charles, who patted his back awkwardly, trying and failing at being comforting.

"It's... It's fine, Sam! It was my choice to climb the tree anyways. And I'm fine, see?" Charles exclaimed, hiding his hands behind his back once he noticed that they had been scraped pretty badly by the tree bark. Sam continued to cling to him for a few minutes, before turning to the asker and hugging them.

"Thank you for saving him, I-I can't thank you enough, I..." He trailed off, deciding that a hug would probably be enough. George just stood there, glancing at Charles occasionally curiously. He didn't care about him all that much, but it was interesting to see how someone could be relatively calm after almost dying. Eventually, Sam finished hugging the asker and walked over to the tree, sitting down and leaning against it, closing his eyes. George joined him, and Sam quickly cuddled himself closer to his partner.

Charles walked to the other side of the tree, curling up in the shade, forgetting to thank the asker for saving him, which he would later feel bad for and end up thanking them anyways. And, I would do my cliché 'everything was perfect' ending, but not everything is perfect. Charles did end up getting hurt, since the tree bark hurt his hands.

But other than that, it was perfect.

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