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"I-I'm doing well! I've been m-more stressed lately, f-for some reason

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"I-I'm doing well! I've been m-more stressed lately, f-for some reason...but it's fine!" Sam said, simply shrugging off the fact that he was a lot more stressed than usual, which was weird.

"I'm good, I g-guess? I dunno, I'm just really bored." Charles added, fiddling with a small plush thing he had made out of random scraps of fabric he had found, and some thread. He had discovered that sewing was actually pretty fun.

"And, well, I'm doing well! Being king is hard, but Sam always cheers me up if I had a long day." George finally said, patting Sam on the head and laughing slightly. Sam glared at him jokingly, but then laughed too.

They were doing well, all in all.

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