Finale (For now, at least)

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"So, y-you probably know something's wrong. From the title, a-and from the fact that t-this doesn't start with an ask." Charles stuttered, clutching a piece of paper tightly in his hands. A script, perhaps.

"So, b-basically...I think this is it. The Admin p-probably made the decision to end this book, or put it on a possibly permanent hiatus." Sam added, his voice wavering with anxiety. If you could hear his thoughts you would probably feel bad for him.

Silence fell upon the room, the only sound being George playing cookie clicker, since you could hear the repeating annoying clicks.

"S-so basically, I-I guess this is- I guess this is goodbye for now." Charles managed to finally say, wiping tears from his eyes as he tried his hardest not to break down.

He failed, of course. He let out a tiny sob, his shoulders slumping.

"Y-you're gonna forget about me, T-The Admin is gonna abandon us...I can't- please, Admin... don't end it yet, I-I know what's gonna happen..." He sobbed, his words nearly incoherent since he was speaking so fast. Sam glanced away, trying to not start crying as well.

"Charlie, w-what- what's gonna happen? I-is it bad?" He questioned, and Charles nodded, sighing heavily and sniffling.

"Sam, we- we're gonna disappear. The Admin- if they stop writing, w-we disappear. N-no- no more laptop, no more going outside a-and playing tag, no more us, Sam. This is it." He explained, and Sam's expression went blank, before he smiled sadly.

"Well, I guess this is it. G-Goodbye for now, or maybe forever." He exclaimed, seeming to look through the screen and directly at the readers, if that was even possible.

And maybe, just maybe, this was the end. The end of an era. The end of Sam, George, and Charles.

Or maybe it wasn't.

We'll see, my dear reader.

We'll see.

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