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George caught the puppy, startled for a few seconds, before he grinned, hugging the puppy

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George caught the puppy, startled for a few seconds, before he grinned, hugging the puppy.

"Thank you!!! I love her! She's such a good girl, I love her so much!" He squealed, as the tiny animal licked his nose. Finally, he stopped hugging it, and it curled up in his lap.

"Sam, look! A puppy! Like in those videos we watched!" He said, and Sam pet the tiny dog.

"I-it's so small! And soft, and warm! I love her!" He exclaimed, continuing to pet the puppy. Charles watched them petting the tiny dog, blinking back tears as he realized that while he was alive, he had never gotten to pet a dog. And now he would never get to.

Well, maybe that wasn't true. Maybe he would get to one day. But let's save that for a later ask, shall we?

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