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"O-Oh! She's doing well! She mostly likes to nap out in the garden though, 'cause it's warm

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"O-Oh! She's doing well! She mostly likes to nap out in the garden though, 'cause it's warm." Sam smiled. He really did love his puppy so much, though George seemed to be absolutely obsessed with the tiny, fluffy animal.

"Oh, it' really is fine, y'know. I-I kinda realize that they have to h-hurt us for a reason, because it's all leading up to something...important." Charles exclaimed, fidgeting with his hands again. By now he could kind of guess what was going to happen. But telling everyone would ruin the surprise, and even mentioning anything more than what you already know would be too much.

"Oh, um, thanks? I-I guess? I mean, I'm more worried a-about Georgie, h-he hasn't gotten hurt v-very much." Sam mumbled, clinging to George's arm. George seemed kind of worried, but didn't bother saying anything.

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