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"Um...sure, I-I guess? That's- that's a cute nickname!" Sam smiled at the asker as he spoke, though he was still a bit on edge after finding out that The Admin had threatened him and George.

Charles, liking the asker's choice nickname for him, said, "Yeah, go ahead! I mean- I mean, Sam s-sometimes calls me that anyways, so y-you can too!" He grinned, though he was even more panicked than Sam about The Admin's threats. The Admin™ hadn't hurt him in a while, and it seemed to be an alternating pattern between the three of them.

" not ever call me that. I-I...why would you even-" George cut himself off, sighing exasperatedly. Sam giggled quietly.

"George fiddlesticks...I-I'm calling you that from now on." He said, smiling that stupid kind of grin you get while reading adorable fanfiction, or when looking at pictures of puppies. George sighed, trying to hide his embarassment, though he couldn't help but smile too, if Sam was happy he just couldn't resist feeling the same.

"Okay, Seaspoon." George teased, making use of The Admin's personal favourite nickname for Sam. The ginger-haired boy crossed his arms jokingly, pretending to be annoyed.

"Georgie, 'm not a spoon." He mumbled, trying to seem upset, though he failed at it due to the fact that he was still smiling.

"True, Sammy Seabird." George responded, patting Sam on the head.

"I'm not a bird either!" Sam exclaimed, raising his voice slightly in feigned annoyance.

"Yes you are." George replied, and Sam finally gave in, cuddling up to him.

"Yeah, but I-I'm your bird." He said, and George kissed his head lightly, as Sam was already starting to fall asleep.

"That's true. I love you, Seaspoon." George said quietly, and Sam smiled a bit wider.

"I love you too, George fiddlesticks." He said, and George held him tightly, falling asleep as well. Charles, in the meantime, eventually moved from his spot on the floor, sitting on the couch next to the sleeping pair, since he got tired of sitting on the floor, despite the soft carpet.

Much to his surprise, Sam (who was still asleep, mind you,) grabbed his arm, pulling him closer and wrapping his arm around him, immediately refusing to let go. Charles felt awkward at first, before accepting the fact that he was trapped in Sam's embrace.

So, albeit slowly, he fell asleep too, having a pleasant dream for the first time in a very long while.

Everything truly was utterly perfect.

No threats towards them this time.

They deserve this.

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