Ask 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Sam slowly peeled off the foil wrapping, trying not to rip it, since he thought it looked cool

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Sam slowly peeled off the foil wrapping, trying not to rip it, since he thought it looked cool. He ate the chocolate, grinning.

"This is delicious! W-Why haven't I tried this b-before?" Sam asked, amazed. George just shrugged, having eaten his and not found it that good.

Charles just stared at his, which was on the floor in front of him. Being a ghost and all, eating it was impossible. He didn't mind all that much though, since he didn't like sweet things very much anyways. He did know a lot about chocolate though, from a book he read on Sam's phone.

"H-hey, I know why we haven't- why we haven't had this b-before! Chocolate isn't going to be invented until- until 1828! That's... a long time from now." He explained, and Sam frowned.

"S-so we can't buy this stuff?" He mumbled, sad at the thought of only getting to eat chocolate once.

"I don't really mind. It wasn't that good anyways." George added, shrugging and going back to the game he was playing on Sam's phone. It probably wasn't the best idea for Sam to let him borrow the phone, but none of them cared that he was getting kind of addicted to technology. They were more worried about Ask 100, and the subtle hints about what might happen that are hidden in this ask.

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