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Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance, the glint in his eyes gave the hint to many that he was obviously sleep deprived, he wanted to leave and go home to the comfort of his bed.

"I need you to sign this, saying you agree to be a personal photographer for model Kim Taehyung, he seems to like your works." The tall, brown headed man, named Seokjin, said. He gave a small grin and crossed his arms, basically pleading Yoongi to not sign with his look.

Seokjin's heard it all, Taehyung loves the blondes' work. He always coos at the cute pictures of his puppies he posts on his Instagram, leaving a cute giggle reside in the air between them.

Seokjin would say he's jealous of the blonde, but he didn't want to put down how weak he actually was. He wanted to keep his tough demeanor, and torture Yoongi with his sharp glares, sure he will say no. Because, if he did say yes, Seokjin would be the photographers manager, leaving him in seeing his little boy crush and best friend, Taehyung, make friends with Yoongi.

Yoongi sighed and licked his dry lips, sleepiness hitting him like a truck. "Give me a couple of days." The next couple of days were his days off, and that gave him enough time to clear his head and research the said Kim Taehyung.

Seokjin rolled his eyes and turned around, snagging the papers from Yoongi before doing so. "You have until April eleventh, this Wednesday to decide." A card was launched Yoongis way, with a series of phone numbers and names listed on it. "Call me, Kim Seokjin, when ready." And he left.

Yoongi frowned as he stood from his sitting position, and stretched his body. It has been a long day of doing small, editing details on pictures (not photoshopping) , printing, talking with managers, throwing them away, and restarting. It was finally his time to go home.

He picked up his brown, leather, bag from the floor, and shoved a few materials in it from his messy desk, pushing pictures and papers around in order to find them. With everything in his bag, he found the door, and made his way home by foot, not forgetting to look up the model he wasn't properly introduced to.

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