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Taehyung wanted to confess, he wanted to tell yoongi every little thing. He wanted to tell yoongi how pretty he was, and kiss all over his precious body. Taehyung sighed in the mirror. He looked like a mess, bags were present under his eyes, signaling the lack of sleep. He just couldn't get Yoongi off his mind. He wanted to make it official, now, and hour from now, two? All Taehyung wanted to do was whisper his name and cuddle all over him in their sleep.

He laid with empty arms, heart beating fast at all the possibilities present to the both of them. Yes, he could get a Yoongi fired, but Taehyung felt almost desperate at this stage. It's been months, his heart grew more attached to the older each day. Taehyung felt hopeless, he couldn't even choke the words 'I like you' to himself in the mirror. He frowned and slapped himself. "C'mon Taehyung."

He rolled around in bed, stomach churning with the thought of a Yoongi next to him, Yoongi was often cold, Taehyung wanted to warm him. A grunt came from the boy in bed, followed by a long cry. "Fuck me!" He frowned and flipped around in be bed. He didn't know wether to ask Yoongi, and get him fired, or lock his feelings within his heart.

"Fuck it."

"Dinner on Saturday?" Yoongi frowned and nudged Taehyung. "I thought you were busy that day?" He looked ahead of them, walking into the small cafe they once been to before. He blushed at the thought of dinner, and the fact that it has its own set date.

"I canceled on them." He shrugged, hands in pockets, head spinning. He felt like throwing up, but forced it down. He didn't want to embarrass himself. He bags hat were present the night before was now covered by a thick concealer, and Taehyung thanked the Gods above for presenting him the makeup. Yoongi gasped, shaking his head. "Why?" He looked over at Taehyung who gestures him into a booth. He took a seat and Taehyung sat across from him.

"I'm twenty-five, I have enough time to get into a singing career." He smiled and poked at Yoongi's hand. "I kinda want to spoil you." His smile started falling, his shy side showing. Yoongi's body visibly tensed, but he smiled aswell, "Why would you want to do that, for me?" His voice grew soft as his heels flushed red. He felt like a baby, like a little child that was getting rewarded out of the blue, and he kind of liked the thought of Taehyung leading him into a fancy-or not-restaurant and letting him order away.

Taehyung giggles, "Yoongi? Earth to Yoongi." Taehyung slapped Yoongi's hand and poked his cheek. "Yoongs." Yoongi's eyes snapped up to his, cheeks still red and eyes wide. He softly chuckled, "So, dinner on Saturday?" Taehyung nodded, his smile grew more, the biggest smile Yoongi has ever saw on the handsome male. Yoongi's heart pumped happily in his chest, the youngers happy face made his heart pump harder and faster, his hand that stayed on his made it go faster.

Harder and faster, harder and faster!

His heart was swelled with happiness, and he wish it to stay that way.

Im so excited for the end of this book, the extra chap is going to be so cute:(.

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