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Taehyung and Yoongi's hands were glued together as they sped walked into the office, expecting it to be empty as always. Little to their surprise, an angry Seokjin stood, waiting for them. "Yoongi, you're fired." Seokjin stated, a man as tall as him stood next to Seokjin, Yoongi's actual boss, Jeon Jungkook.

Yoongi's hand fell from Taehyungs, his smile faltered and a frown replaced it. "W-what do you mean?" He clamped his hands together and rubbed them, trying to comfort himself and to refrain him from crying. He loves his job, he didn't want to be fired, he loved photography with his entire being, he couldn't loose his job yet, even if he did accept Taehyung request to being his boyfriend.

"You're fired." Jungkook came in, taking a step towards him, he held onto a piece of paper and handed it to Yoongi, reciting what the paper told. "It was rumored that you and this boy here," he motioned towards Taehyung and rolled his eyes back to Yoongi, giving him a disappointed look, "are dating. Mr. Seokjin took things in his own hands and contacted me, whether it be true or not, he did tell Mr. Seokjin that he developed feelings towards you and argued about dating employees." Jungkooks hands were placed behind his back in a neat manner, his posture was nice and voice never lost interest–not that it had any.

"It's hyung." Seokjin cleated his throat and looked back at the two boys who stood next to eachother, Taehyungs hand pulled over Yoongi's, rubbing it as Yoongi wanted comforting. His eyes were glossy and his bottom lip wet, trembling as he stopped himself from breaking down and crying.

"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to back your things and leave." He stuck his hand out for Yoongi to take, and he hesitated, scared to take the large hand in his. He eventually did, as tears found there way down, cascading down his face. Once his boss left, he broke. Litterally.

Falling to his knees, Yoongi sobbed to all its glory. His breathing became uneven, "I loved my job!" Taehyung frowned and looked up at Seokjin, placing a hand on Yoongi's head and running his fingers through his hair, something that calms the older.

Taehyung took a deep breath, "I quit."

This took both Yoongi and Seokjin by surprise. The room got quiet quickly, Yoongi stood to his feet and shook Taehyung by the shoulder. "Don't quit because I got fired!" Taehyung stood still, face showing no expression as he stared at his best friend.

No words were exchanged except for the small 'okay' that Seokjin whispered before pushing past the two, Taehyung didn't look back but Yoongi did. "Why the fuck did you do that?" Yoongi looked back at Taehyung and smacked his arm, obviously furious.

"It's not fair!"

"It's fair when we were warned about it!" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "I deserved it, it's me who sacrificed my job, that doesn't mean you have to quit yours!" He pushed past Taehyung himself, and stormed out of the office, leaving everything but his brown leather bag behind. Taehyung followedc entering the car when he did. "If I didn't quit, we would loose so much time together, without you being my photographer, I'd be stuck with someone else almost every single day! I did it to stay with you!"

Yoongi started he car and sped home, a sigh leaving his lips, Taehyung was right, they wouldn't see each other at all if they thought about it, they were just so used to being together due to their jobs that they didn't realize it was work necessary. But he still was upset Taehyung quit, and left his best friend behind like that. "Okay." He sighed, biting his lip. His eyes were still glossy and full of tears from his short crying session, no hat he was parked in front of his home he could let the ugly tears slip.

"I'm so ugly when I cry." Yoongi chuckled, wiping the tears, only to be replaced by more. Taehyung leaned in and shushed him, his large hands coming to swipe the nasty, salty tears away. "You're never ugly." Taehyung sighed and unbuckled his seatbelt, his aswell, and walking them in. "Im sorry." Taehyung sighed, sitting Yoongi on the leather couch and walking into the kitchen to make tea.

"I thought about it in the car and you're right, we would barley get to see eachother." Yoongi brushed away the remaining tears as his eyes stopped spilling its works. "What are we going to do know?" Taehyung smiled, his cute body smile immediately bringing Yoongi's mood up a few notches. "I know someone."


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