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The cup of coffee that sat between the two stayed steaming, giving off very little warmth for Namjoon, Yoongis roommate, who needed it. He shivered in the small chair that sat in the cafe, angry for not wearing a heavier coat or putting on more layers.

Yoongi eyes him and gave a small smile, looking down at the cinnamon roll and poking it with a fork. "Cold?" Namjoon tried his hardest to stop his slight shiver and give Yoongi a daring look, "You think?".

Yoongi laughed lightly and rubbed his tired eyes. It was early in the morning for Yoongi, matter in fact, it was noon. He was woken by his roommate jumping on the bed, yelling at him to take him for coffee.

Namjoon stirred the cup to coffee and decided to take a drink to warm his body, and by time he swallowed the warm, creamy, liquid, he was on his way to his own victory. Smiling, due to the warmth he was provided by the beverage, he looked up at Yoongi.

"Anything new?" Yoongi shrugged, not forgetting about his model he was offered the other day. "Yeah, a model wants to be sighed over to me." He kept his voice quiet to refrain from getting tackled with questions by the strangers around him.

"Oh yeah," Namjoon smirked and looked back down at his coffee, "and who will that be?" Yoongi looked up and Namjoon and crossed his arms around his chest, "Kim Taehyung?" He spoke of him as more like a question, trying to spot any reaction from Namjoon in the process to see if he had heard of the name, and oh boy, has he.

Namjoon nearly choked on the hot liquid he attempted to swallow and coughed it up, squeezing his neck because of how it stung after his fit. "The Kim Taehyung?" His eyes wide, mouth agape, he looked at Yoongi, not able to believe his words.

"Yeah? Why?" He flinched at his words and pushed himself away from the table a bit, leaning back in his chair. "He is one of those models you would find in a Vogue or Gucci magazine!" He jumped excitedly in his chair and leaned over to grab his hands in Yoongi's, a wave of butterflies erupted in his stomach as he done so. "You have to say yes!"

Yoongi sat in front of his computer, closing out of the black and orange screen that was previously in front of him. He sighed, now bored and tired. He looked around his room and his eyes landed on his leather bag that sat on a chair in the corner of his room, and one name came to mind; Kim Taehyung.

Since Namjoons reaction, Yoongis has begged himself to look up the famous model. Moving his mouse to the search bar, he typed in the models name and clicked images. He closed his eyes quickly before his slow internet browser would bring up the search results, and sat there like that for a while, scared to open them.

This was something he has done as a child, he would always close his eyes and imagine the person he searched for, without knowing them, and sometimes he did it because he was that anxious to see the figure.

Yoongi opened his eyes, and his mouth dropped. The first picture that was displayed caught his attention even more than his face in general, it was a picture of Taehyung decked out in colorful gucci clothing, licking his lips. Simple, but deadly to yoongis eyes. He licked his lips and searched some more, getting even more interested in the boy.

He closed out of the tab, totally flustered, and glanced at the date on his laptop screen.

April 11th, 2018.

He picked up his phone quickly and scrambled to his feet to grab the white and blue business card that was sticking out of his bag. He dialed the number under Seokjins name, out of breath already.

"Hello, Seokjin? I'd like to agree to be Kim Taehyung's photographer."

— a/n
The first two chapters are up! Ah! Im super excited to write this book, I have great ideas for it :) don't forget to comment and vote !

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