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"Yoongi, meet Jimin. Jimin, meet Yoongi." Taehyung smiled and took Jimin by the shoulders. His blonde hair complimented him well, Yoongi couldn't deny, the male was pretty. "This is my boyfriend." Taehyung smiled and switched over to Yoongi, taking his hand. Taehyung walked back over to Jimin, taking his hand, Yoongi frowned. "And this is my other best friend."

Yoongi nodded, snatching Taehyungs hand back and smiling at Jimin, "Hello."

Jimin rubbed his hands on the green apron he wore, and smiled. His eyes sparkled with delight at meeting his best friend boyfriend. "How are you?"


Yoongi turned to Taehyung and frowned. "How is a Starbucks worker going to help us any?" Taehyung smirked and shrugged. "He knows someone." Yoongi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Well hurry! People are staring at you." Taehyung choked on his saliva. Fans.

Taehyung laughed lightly and nudged Yoongi. "I got to tell them we are dating!" He squirmed excitedly, and hopped around. Yoongi nodded, his cheeks growing red. Jimin cleated his throat and handed a piece of paper to the pair. He shoved his hands in his apron taking a whiff at the baked goods that came out of the oven, "Im pretty busy, so you'll have to call him yourself." Taehyung nodded, "what's his name?"

"He goes by the name Jung Hoseok."

"Hello? Is this Jung Hoseok?" Taehyungs voice shook, he was scared, but he found it perfectly okay since he was the top model of Korea.

"This is." The voice came out deeper than what Taehyung expected, he stole a glance at Yoongi who looked at him back, eyebrow raised as if to ask what's he saying. Taehyung shrugged and looked ahead of him again, "My name is Kim Taehyung, calling for an opening as your model."

The line was silent for a long period of time, until the said Hoseok breathed into the phone, making Taehyung jump a bit. "The Kim Taehyung?" Taehyung rolled his eyes and but into his lip. "Yes sir."

"You're hired!"

"But," Taehyung stopped him, the other grunted in disapproval at his interuption. "I have a certain photographer I want to sign over." Taehyung smirked at Yoongi, and Yoongi's eyes widen.

"We got the job~" Taehyung wiggled around, dancing with Yoongi's arms wrapped around his neck. "We got the job! I won't be poor!" Yoongi sang, chest connecting with Taehyungs. He two giggled, the space between them looked as if it didn't exists. Yoongi smiled, the smell of Taehyung lingered in the air, he loved the smell of him. He smelt like honey, honey and sweet flowers with a strange strong scent intertwined with that.

Yoongi felt happy, but it wasn't strange, he didn't usually have depressing episodes which he was very grateful for. He smiled and leaned his head into Taehyung, taking in his scent even more, his nose drowned in only Taehyung.

"You smell good, not going to lie." Yoongi chuckled and so did Taehyung. The taller took a step back, hands still connected with Yoongi's. "Let's go lay down?" Yoongi nodded and followed, making sure not to break their contact.

grr, the ending is soon, either next or a few more chapters. Sorry this was choppy.

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