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Today Taehyung looked extra beautiful, Yoongi couldn't even control himself without becoming a blushing mess. "You look really nice today." He smiled but failed with eye contact. He looked down at the pencil in his hands instead and tapped it along his thigh.

"Thank you, hyung, so do you." Taehyung smiled and ruffled Yoongis hair a little and stood to grab his bottle of water.

This was the time of break for the two, Yoongi wore a simple white shirt and black ripped jeans, basically what he wore every other day. His yellow nametag dangled from the bottom of his left sleeve, thumbs red from pinching himself occasionally due to fumbling with it.

On the other hand, once Taehyung arrived, he wore a black shirt that leaked his collarbones and showed off a little of his tan chest. His joggers were a dark grey, but it looked so good on the boy. Yoongi almost wanted to punch himself for staring at the changing boy.

After dressing, he switched from a mean, and menacing look into a cute and fluffy one, and Yoongi felt his heart jump out of his chest. His hair curled against his forehead and his brown eyes sparkled. His clothes were a mixture of a light blue, light fabric covering his chest, and a darker blue pair of loose, airy pants.

Taehyung looked like he came straight from heaven, and he didn't mind. He could literally stare at the younger all day without getting bored of noticing the small flaws and perfections on his face.

His slim, tan fingers ran through his hair and he sighed, looking at Yoongi in hope of forming a conversation to stop the older from his constant staring. Although Taehyung didn't mind much, he just felt a tad bit uncomfortable under the handsome males stare.

"Want to get a meal afterwards? Don't we have, what, a couple more shoots?" He turned around to check the time, and smiled at Yoongi.

"Sure." Yoongi nodded, his head nodded along with his words. He checked the time aswell and mentally cursed at himself, "Ready to start up another round of pictures?" Yoongi stood and got his camera, resting it in his hand as he turned it on. "You look really nice, we just have a few more to go." Yoongi smiled up at Taehyung and motioned him to take his place, the camera was starting to get heavy so Yoongi was ready to start and finish.

"I want you to just be casual yet cute, you know?" Taehyung nodded in his direction and started his stance for the older man behind the camera. "And, pose." The click of the camera sounded through the building, making it almost calming for the two. Taehyung continued his stances and Yoongi continued to click! Click! Click!

"Awesome! You look stunning!" Yoongi smiled down at his camera, his pink gums no longer hidden behind his top lip. Taehyung blushed, making his way to overlook the pictures as well, "Ive never done a cutesy shoot before, I feel so weird." He have a goofy smile and took the camera from Yoongi, shooting past the pictures to awe at himself.

"Well, you look amazing, Tae." Yoongi grabbed his camera bag and gently pulled the camera away from Taehyung, "Thank you, Hyung." Yoongi nodded and patted his back. "Now go get dressed! Im starving!"

stan cuties, stan gfriend!

—[A/N]stan cuties, stan gfriend!

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