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They decided to call a cab once finished with lunch, as the grey clouds that once lingered above cried until it drenched everything under its way. They stayed silenced, Yoongi wasn't surprised that Taehyung was gay, he was just confused upon his answer.

"Because im gay."

His head shook with a familiar pain, he reached to hold onto his head and massage his scalp to calm his nerves, why was he so suddenly stressed?

Yoongi decided to break the silence, as he was slowly starting to feel uncomfortable under the heavy air around him. He kept his voice low and turned to face the brown headed male.

"So what you're gay, what's that have to do with you not being able to date?"

Taehyung visibly switched his feared face to a calm one. He kept his eyes trained on the small droplets showering the window and shrugged, "My fans wouldn't necessarily be happy I cant date certain idols and actors and such," he took a deep breath and leaned back his his seat, letting his eyes close. "most seem homophobic with the reply's fans get for homosexual shipping."

Yoongi nodded, thinking his fans were acting silly, and observed Taehyungs face while he had the chance. Of course there where millions of pictures of the boy online and on posters plastered across the city, but it felt so much more real to see it in person.

A smile slowly made its way to the olders face, he turned his head and stopped staring.

The car stopped and both boys stepped out infront of Yoongi's house. The wooden porch that sat right before the white house was stained a different color due to the rain. They rain inside to beat the droplets, but failed, slipping on the wooden floors of the home once inside.

"Shit!" Yoongi fell right on his bottom and groaned, rolled over and comfort it. Taehyung scoffed, getting his balance back and kicking Yoongi's back side, "Get over it."

Yoongi simply swatted his hands away and stood up, brushing the nasty crumbs from the dirty floor off of his wet clothes. He really needed to sweep. He took a mental note quickly before paying attention back to Taehyungs moving lips.

"I better get going, I have a pretty heavy week ahead of me." He grinned and patted Yoongi's back roughly, sending the shorter to slip again. "See you during our shoot on Thursday!"

"And he pushed me."

"Oh my God, he pushed you." Namjoon faked a gasp and covered his mouth with his hands. Yoongi sent him a glare and pushed his shoulder lightly before pouting.

"It's nothing to joke around about, im hurt he pushed me away." Yoongi laid down on the couch him and Namjoon shared and laid his head in the tallers lap. "Where were you anyways? You weren't  home at all to help me make the candies so I had to call Taehyung."

Namjoon shrugged and scratched at the name of his neck, "I got a girl," Yoongi just snickered and played with Namjoons striped shirt that covered his stomach, pinching him a few times by accident, sending the other to yelp and slap Yoongi.

"Since when?" Yoongi rolled off of Namjoon's lap and walked toward the television to search for a movie they still had to watch. "I've never seen you out of the house much."

"Well how would you know I didn't bring her over?" Yoongi's eyes widened and he smiled, letting out a little laugh. "My boy is getting some, yeah?" He picked up a random movie, more interested in Namjoon's story telling than finding a movie he's never watched.

"No, I was just asking." It was now Namjoon's turn to smirk, as Yoongi day and sulked, letting out a small murmur of boring before popping in the CD. "I've actually just met her recently, so we are chill for now." Namjoon patted his lap again, motioning Yoongi to cuddle into his lap once again.

"What about you and that model boy, you nonstop talk about him?" Yoongi laid into Namjoon's lap and stayed quiet, letting out a small and flustered 'Fuck you' before the movie started.

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