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Yoongi's giggle rang in Taehyungs ear as they walked to the supermarket across from Yoongi's small home. It was raining, it was pouring, and it all ruined Taehyung dinner plan with Yoongi, due to a few flooded roads.

The two were soaked, hands grasping one another's as their hair dripped. They ran as slow as they could, just to refrain them from slipping and busting their bottoms. Yoongi's grip tightened on Taehyungs hand once they entered the store. It was warm, and the few customers stared at the soaking boys.

Yoongi picked up ramen and Taehyung gave him a confused look. Yoongi shrugged and they paid, before running back through the rain and into Yoongis house.

"Why ramen?" Taehyung frowned, Yoongis stomach turned and ached. "Do you not like ramen?" Yoongi pouted. "I just thought that I'd fix you something." Taehyungs shrugged and took the ramen from Yoongi and walked into the kitchen and searched through his supplies. "Need help?"

"No!" Taehyung raised his head too fast, hitting his head against the cabinets above. He emitted a loud groan and covered the back of his head, Yoongi laughed and walked over to him.

"Aw, baby." He cooed, carefully placing his hands on the sides of Taehyungs head. He placed his pouty lips against his forehead and smiled, Taehyungs cheeks sparked a red color and he stared at Yoongi, whose cheeks twinned with Taehyungs.

"Thank you." Taehyung softly mumbled.

"Thank you for making dinner, Tae." Yoongi smiled, happily slurping at his noodles. Taehyung nodded, mouth full, he hummed.

The small television played spongebob, something the two decided on watching while eating. Taehyungs eyes were set on the TV with delight, eyebrows raising every time Patrick would pull a stupid trick.

Yoongi chuckled, this felt so good sitting next to him, eating and watching cartoons together. He felt this is better than actually going to a restaurant and eating. He enjoyed this concept a lot more. "I enjoy this more than actual restaurants, feels more.. comfortable?" Taehyung turned to look at him, he chewed his food and set the empty bowl on the coffee table infront of them. "I enjoy this more aswell," Taehyung looked back at the TV, "Im glad I could still sit here with you." Yoongi blushed and watched the cartoon aswell. He hummed and set his half empty bowl down, shifting closer to Taehyung.

The two of them became quiet, Taehyung fiddled wih his fingers and Yoongi watched the cartoon with half lidded eyes, sleep was ready to take over. "Yoongi," Taehyung didn't look up, he didn't even peak from the corner of his eyes to see if Yoongi was paying attention, he hoped he wasn't. A small 'yes' was heard, and Taehyung but his lip, lips forming a nervous pout.

"What if I said that I liked you?" Taehyung spoke in a whisper, his cheeks basically grew flames, his face hot, body shaking, breathing growing heavy, he felt so scared, he didn't know what to expect. Instead of Yoongi screeching Hell, his head tilted up to Taehyung, and he smiled. Except Taehyung felt this smile was different. His pearl white teeth showed, his pink gums were exposed, and his eyes glistened with something. He was happy Taehyung said something.

He sighed and continued to look up at Taehyung, the TV was drowned out by the two and all Yoongi could hear was Taehyungs heavy breathing in his ear. "What if I said I liked you too?" As if Yoongi knew exactly what Taehyung needed to cool off, his shoulder dropped and he let out a sigh of pure relief. "Really?" Taehyung mumbled, his mouth barley moved as he stared at Yoongi. His pretty features were exposed to Taehyung, and right now, to Taehyung only. He smiled.

"Really." Yoongi giggled, hands trailing over to Taehyungs as they sat a few inches apart. Yoongi clasped onto the others hand and squeezed, "I really do like you, Tae."

Taehyungs eyes fluttered shut as his smile grew wider, he felt so happy. "Then, Min Yoongi," Taehyungs eyes flew open, and for once in months he felt that things were actually going right, for once!

"Would you be my boyfriend?" He looked hopefully at Yoongi, the older smiling. Taehyung heart was beating fast, not of nervousness, but of happiness.

Yoongi smiled even wider, he let go of a Taehyung hand and wrapped his arms around Taehyung neck, the two were chest to chest, happily smiling at eachother. "Even if it got me fired." He giggled, their noses touched and tickled one another. Everything hen stopped, Yoongi on Taehyungs lap as they remained chest to chest for what seemed like ages, until Taehyung let out a airy laugh, arms wrapping around Yoongi's waist in a comfortable and a secure manner. "Okay, pretty boy."

And without hesitation, Taehyungs lips finally met Yoongi's pouty, pink ones, a new feeling blossoming through his chest.

This is NOT the last chapter!

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