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The two boys woke up in each others arms. Yoongi's face stuck to the worn out, leather couch, making him wince when he rose from his slumber. He looked down and remembered the following night, a smile immediately made way to his face.

"Pretty boy."

Yoongi squealed quietly and jumped around, face scrunched up in a happy manner. A groggy groan from the tired man, interrupted Yoongi's craze, his small party coming to a stop. Taehyung frowned, his tanned chest exposed to Yoongi. "Come." Taehyung made grabby hands at the older and pouted, "Want." Yoongi chuckled and shook his head. "You have to leave, shoo!" Yoongi pulled Taehyung up and threw his discarded shirt at him, letting the younger slip it on quickly.

"I don't want to go to work though." Taehyung hunched over and walked into the kitchen, where he kicked his shoes off during the process of making 'five star' noodles, as he called them. Yoongi threw his hands up and crossed them across his chest, "I literally work with you." Taehyung perked up at the reminder, emitting a small, oh, before continuing to dress.

Yoongi lended him a spare toothbrush and combed his boyfriends hair out. Yoongi looked happy, really happy, and truth be told: he was. Yoongi gripped onto Taehyungs hand, pulling them out of the door and allowing Taehyung to lock it.

"You should stay at my house tonight." Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows, Yoongi cringed and let go of Taehyungs hand. "Yeah right." They walked side by side until they reached Yoongi's wrecked up car. Yoongi just realized how different the two of them were. One poor, one rich. He frowned at the lack of money he had, slightly embarrassed to even step into his car. He bit his lip and cursed to himself under his breath. "W-wanna just walk?" Yoongi played with his bottom lip, and if Taehyung had been a mind reader, "It's fine." And hopped into the car with ease.

Yoongi let out a sigh of relief and started the car.

"Just don't let Seokjin know and we are good, okay?" Yoongi nodded and let go of Taehyungs hand, pressing a sweet kiss at the corner of the tallers mouth.

They walked in as if everything was normal, as if the two still had hidden feelings for one another.

Seokjin greeted Taehyung and Yoongi, a sharp glare sent to Yoongi, he winced. "Books go on sale tomorrow evening." And that's all he said. Yoongi and Taehyung looked at eachother, shrugging and walking into the office where they first met.

"Excited?" Taehyung walked up behind Yoongi who sat down at his desk, attention directed towards the glowing screen infront of him. "Yeah, but what if they don't like the pictures? Im not a pro." Taehyung shrugged and ran his fingers through Yoongi's hair, "I wouldn't have picked you if I thought you were bad, now." Yoongi chuckled, "Thanks."

The rest of the day went as planned, and so did the next. Alone in the office, hey would sneakily exchange kisses and admiring words. They were close, so close to getting caught, Seokjin didn't say anything about it, so they expected nothing of it. Hey boy kept smiles on their faces as hey walked around with one another.

Yoongi often wasn't at his own house and instead, his bills were being payed by Taehyung, who say the boy struggle with his own payment. It was something simple to Taehyung, but something large to Yoongi. He threw a fit, and pinched Taehyung when he found out. "That's your money, Taehyung, you're not my piggy bank!"

But they grew accustomed to it, Yoongi became grateful and so did Taehyung, grateful he had someone as pretty as Yoongi.

This chapter was boring :( sorry

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