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It was as if when Yoongi fell asleep, he totally forgot about the handsome male he was to be meeting the next day, but he reminding himself as soon as he walked into his large studio. He slumps his bag in his spiny chair and jumps up and down with a gummy smile plastered on his face.

He was beyond excited to see Taehyung. He was oh so looking forward to admiring his features up close, and in person. It was like he fell in love with the model with a small glance.

A knock disturbs Yoongi and his jumping, causing him to calmly seat himself and let them in, with a quick come in.

"Hello, nice to meet with you again." Seokjin smiled and walked in, a shadow dressing in black followed behind him like a lost puppy. "Do you have any chairs to sit in?" He looked up at Yoongi who's eyes widened, he hurried over to the corner of his room and pulled out two foldable chairs out, and placed them for the two.

"Its not anything luxurious, but.. yeah!" He smiled, his gummy smile now on display for everyone. He sat himself down and eyed the 'shadow', smiling.

"Hello, im Min Yoongi." He stretched his arm out for the other to take and he did, pulling his good down and pulling his face off of his mouth to properly speak.

"Kim Taehyung." They shook hands, and as they did, Yoongi couldn't help but question himself how godly can one be. Taehyung was over the top, down right, stunning. Yoongi's never came across a God himself, and damnit, today was his day.

"Right, so," Seokjin broke Yoongis gaze from Taehyung, and pulled out a few sheets of paper with writing and drawings all over it. "As a model, Taehyung doesn't have any complete series of photos he needs to take, but we were planning on a photo book, for the fans." Seokjin cleared his throat before handing Yoongi the scribbled sheet.

"Models have fans?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows and picked at his scabbed and dry lips, analyzing the paper. He didn't intend on the question slipping, but it seemed to have offended

"Yes, I at least have fans." Taehyung said in a hurt tone, he crossed his arms and put a small pout on his face. Yoongi nodded slowly, eyes trained on his face, then trailing them back to the paper.

"Mhm." Yoongi hummed, "What are all of these drawings for?" The paper had many unnecessary drawings scribbled all about. A bird there, a dog here, and something that looked like a cow in one of the corners. There were also scribbles of lollipops, chocolates, and hard candies.

"Don't mind the animal drawings." Seokjin sighed and rolled his eyes at Taehyung. "The candies are for his theme."

"You mean the theme of the photo shoot?" Yoongi wanted to make sure he understood before his brain processed their plans. "Yes" Seokjin smiled, "since his photo shoots are always so serious, we want to give the fans a small glint at a soft and cute side."

Yoongi nodded, completely agreeing with Seokjins words, he would want to see Taehyung soft side aswell, with how beautiful yet intimidating he looks.

"Okay," Yoongi looked over at Taehyung, "looks like we have some crafting to do." Taehyung nods and Seokjin stands to excuse himself.

Now it was just the two of them. Yoongi decided not to make it always any, so he swiveled over to his computer that was on a different desk behind him, (he had a weird setup) and went straight to amazon.

"My favorite place to shop." Yoongis face glowed from the light the screen was illuminating. "Why is your studio in general so small?" Taehyung joined him at the computer, bending down to be eye level with yoongi, face switching front the computer itself and Yoongi. His heart jumped and did a flip with how close the model was to him.

"We don't have a very large payment." Yoongi couldn't lie, he wish they got more money, but he was earning enough for both him and his dog to peacefully live in a small apartment together. It was quite comfy.

"Don't you think you'll get paid more once the photo books go on sale?" Taehyung stood, and walked around the small office, now bored of the online shopping. "Doubt it."

Taehyung frowned slightly, "Are you calling me ugly?" Yoongi flung himself from the place his sat and frantically shook his arms in Taehyungs face, "Of course not, have you seen yourself?!" His eyes were wide, and he was serious.

"Every morning, but don't worry I know." Yoongi smiled and let his breath flow out of his calmly, "Good, I nearly had to knock some sense into you." Taehyung just nodded and continued walking around, laying his fingers on everything in sight.

Meanwhile, Yoongi sat in frustration, trying his best to try and choose the best colors of confetti. He groaned and leaned back in his chair, running his clammy hands through his nappy hair. "What's wrong?" Taehyung showed up behind Yoongi again and inspected the older.

Yoongi frowned again and stuffed his face in his hands, "I can't choose what confetti would look like a good contrast to your hair." Taehyung pulled at a strand of his hair and inspected it.

His hair was a beautiful blonde, his brown roots starting to sprout from his head. "Don't make a final decision yet, Seokjin Hyung wants to color it."

Yoongi peaked at Taehyung from in between his finger and mumbled, "What color?" Taehyung put a smile on his face and got down eye level with Yoongi once again. "Red!"

Yoongi removed his hands completely from his face and furrowed his eyebrows, "Why such a bold color?" Taehyung shrugged, although Yoongi might not like it, he, himself, was ecstatic for his drastic hair change. "Have any other color in mind?"

Yoongi scratched his head and leaned back in his chair, making it squeak in the process. "What about your natural hair color? It would give you a more gentle look." Yoongi explained, looking back at Taehyung.

He nodded and smiled a little, "That sounds nice, I'll let my poor scalp have a break." He patted his head and giggled, and Yoongi became breathless. The door swung open, stopping them from continuing their conversation.

"You ready to go Taehyung? You have a meeting with your old photographer to receive those photos and see if we still want them." Taehyung nodded and looked over to Yoongi, waving, "Bye Yoongi!" He sang.

Yoongi wouldn't lie about this, but he could listen to Taehyung talk all day long.

I had to stop writing and find a stopping place, this is over 1k words, what the fuck

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