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Yoongi stayed flustered for hours, days, nearly a whole week at Taehyung small whisper of the word, 'good'. He placed his hands over his cheeks as he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror of his studio. Could Kim Taehyung actually like him?

He splashed his face with cold water and dried it with paper towels, leaving the bathroom to greet Taehyung finding poses to try during the shoot. Yoongi clutched his shirt, telling his heart to buckle up, because it will be a rough ride.

Taehyung caught his gaze and instantly smiled, he snaked his way through all of the large studio lights and multiple cameras that ranged from large to small, to just the right size to fit in Taehyungs hands. Yoongi finished the gap by taking a few steps, sparing the others feet.

"What are we doing today?" Taehyung pointed a finger behind him, directing Yoongi's attention towards the multiple people who set up and decorated the area. "Something homey." Yoongi smiled. He dropped a hand on Taehyungs broad heat and walked past him, his hand slipping off, leaving a flustered Taehyung behind. Yoongi cheered himself on, his flustered self returning.

Go Yoongi!

Taehyung followed, he caught Yoongi's hand in his own and smiled, payback. Yoongi blushed, but kept their hands intertwined. "Woah, hey, what's this?" Seokjin came up from across the room and pointed at the two boys intertwined hands. "Our hands?" Taehyung stated the obvious, lifting. the two of their hands in the air so he can get a better look.

Seokjin sighed, and crossed his arms. "How many times have i said it already?" He looked at Taehyung, his face straight. He was being serious. "I don't want employees in relationships! You hear that? And you too, little one!" He pointed at Yoongi and glared at him, his stare sharp. "I don't want you two to be distracted from your work. Now go, let go!" Seokjin broke their hands away from eachother and pushed past to yell at another worker who didn't fix Taehyung original outfit.

Yoongi frowned, "It's not like we are in a relationship." Although he wanted one with the younger, he looked up at Taehyung who only shrugged, although he knew exactly why Seokjin had said it. If Taehyung hadn't have confessed his feelings for Yoongi to Seokjin, then he wouldn't have said anything. Seokjin was jealous.

"I don't know, love." Taehyung looked down at him, to see if there would be any uncomfortable action come from the nickname. Yoongi just looked up and blushed, walking away from the taller. Taehyung smiled, and checked his watch, and walking back to the set, where he sat on a couch and posed for the beauty behind the camera.


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