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Seokjin and Taehyung sat on the carpet that covered the wood floor. They sat and talked for hours, coming up with good shoot concepts and hair dye options, as well as maybe a singing career to start on. One thing not everybody has heard was Taehyungs honey filled voice, it sent chills down anyone's spine.

"Seokjin." Taehyung broke their comfortable silence they sat in. "Yes?" Seokjin looked up at Taehyung, his eyes were practically dissecting his perfections and flaws. "How do you know that you like someone, like, love."

Seokjin looked at him a bit longer, his heart was filled with hope that their conversation would be confessions for each other, but deep in his mind, he knew that it wasn't him he liked. "Well," Seokjin scooted in a more comfortable position and started at the cartoon that played on the large flat screen TV. "My heart usually beats fast when i'm close to the person I love. When they laugh, talk, or even look at me, it feels as if there is a python wrapped around my heart, and just teasingly squeezing at it." He looks over at Taehyung to see his hand goat over the left side of his chest. He nodded for Seokjin to continue.

"When I get jealous of that person, it feels as if something took over, i get really sad, and sometimes protective. And, sometimes, I get too jealous with seeing them with someone who makes them so much happier, that I feel like squeeze was just too much can making my heart deflate." Seokjin sighed and drawed patterns on the carpet.

"Love feels amazing though, when you're around that person that you love, you feel almost high. I feel as if I can't breathe anymore, as if I can't even respond. All I can do is stare and intently listen to every problem they have. Love feels so fucking amazing."

Taehyung held his breath, his looked down at the patterns Seokjin drew on the carpet, his finger quickly writing out random letters. "But I also know what a heartbreak feels like, trust me." Seokjin chuckled and flashed his tear filled eyes at Taehyung who stared down at his fingers. He was glad Taehyung didn't the the threatening tears.

"It feels awful, like someone is repeatedly stabbing your heart with a knife. It's so fucking horrible." Taehyung frowned, noticing the tears that spilled from Seokjins eyes, he wrapped his arms around his Hyung and shushed him. "Although i've went through heartbreak and still practically am, I would never wish that upon anyone, especially you."

He dried his tears from his eyes and waved Taehyung off. "Never mind me, why did you ask?" Seokjin looked up at Taehyung who quietly played with his fingers. "Do you think you're in love?"

"I think I love Yoongi, I-I'm just not sure." Taehyung continued to play with his fingers, scared of Seokjins reaction. Seokjin frowned, pulling his knees up to his chest. "Really?" He fakes the question, although he knew the answer. The way Taehyung looked at Yoongi answered the question, their actions and everything they did together did.

Taehyung nodded and but his lip, "I want to know how he feels aswell-but this is my first actual relationship with a male, are they mean, are they players? Yoongi's really nice, but what if he messes with me.?" Taehyung started to worry himself, throwing his hands into his hair.

Seokjin couldn't help but feel jealousy flood his body, his words about heartbreak washed away from him as he deeply frowned. "No, Taehyung, he is an employee as well as you are." Seokjin stood from the spot he sat in, but Taehyung fought back. "What will you do if we do date?" Taehyung asked dumbly, his mind wasn't working properly with the thought of dating yoongi running through it.

"I'll fire him from being your personal photographer." Seokjin deadpanned, making Taehyung shoot up and gasp. "You wouldn't! I asked for him to be my photographer, you can't do that!" Seokjin chuckled and twirled his hair, "Yes I can, when it comes between two employees." Taehyung furrowed his brows.

"Then why don't you fire me instead?" He tapped his foot as he waited for Seokjin to answer, only to have the older turn his back to him saying, "You're my source of pay, and you're my best friend!" Seokjin walked through the long hallways and entered the spare bedroom, unbuttoning his long white shirt.

Taehyung followed, not caring if he was changing or not, and placed his arms on his hips, "Then Ill fire you!" He hummed in agreement with himself and smirked. Seokjin smirked back, "That's not how it works, you peanut. I fire you." He jabbed his finger into Taehyung chest, pushing his out of the room.

"No relationships, Taehyung."

Taehyung frowned, wanting to scream and shout, what happened to him not wanting a heartbreak?


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