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"Taehyung and Yoongi sitting in a tree!" Yoongi sang childishly as he swung his legs around under the green swing he sat on. "That's annoying." Namjoon huffed, standing up and making his way behind Yoongi to push him, just to keep the other occupied. That never stopped his talking though.

"What's wrong with you?"  Yoongi looked up at Namjoon and cocked a brow. The wind blew hard enough hat Namjoon's hair covered his eye, and went to a completely opposite side of his head. Yoongi chuckled, the other looked almost bald. "Huh? Nothing is wrong." He cheerfully smiled and continued to push Yoongi.

There was something wrong, Yoongi had not stopped talking about Taehyung and what they did, ever since they arrived at the small park that occupied little to no children. He was honestly tired of hearing the youngers name, tired of hearing Yoongi coo over him. Yet he could help but feel happy his friend, his crush, was talking to someone he genuinely liked. He was happy he had a chance to love who he did love.

"Y'know Namjoon, Taehyungs pretty cute." Namjoon rolled his eyes and sighed. "Hyung, i've heard that so many times today." Yoongi shrugged and turned to look behind him, Namjoon grabbed Yoongi's waists to stop him from swinging, and sat down in the empty swing next to him. Yoongi pouted, and kicked Namjoon.

"But I really think he's cute." Yoongi smiled over at Namjoon, emphasizing the really. "Do you like Taehyung?" Namjoon met up with Yoongi's gaze, a small frown was present on his face. "Of course, he's an amazing friend-"

"No, do you like Taehyung."  Yoongi's smile faltered, biting his lip. "I-I mean, I don't know." Yoongi rested his elbows on his knees and leaned over, suddenly stressed with the thought. "I'm pretty sure?" He turned to look at Namjoon again, his smile still not present.

Namjoon smiled, his dimples peaked through his cheeks and his cheeks poked out, "Im sure he likes you too." Namjoon stood and walked to the monkey bars, grabbing onto the handles and walking with them at ease. "Wait, why do you say that?" Yoongi followed Namjoon and watched him grin the bars above him.

"I got this feeling." Namjoon smirked at him and walked back to the beginning to the monkey bars, letting to and moving on to another piece of park equipment. "I mean why else would he say good to you after you told him me and you are just friends?" Namjoon's heart frowned.

Yoongi shrugged, "He could have just been jealous." Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Yeah, jealous you aren't his." Yoongi punch him in the arm. Namjoon giggles and walked up the large play set.

"He could just be a jealous friend?" Yoongi tried to reason, he wanted any excuse to work other than that he actually wants Yoongi to himself. Namjoon shook his head, "so don't know man, sounds like something different to me."

Yoongi shook his head back, "Why would he like someone like me, though?" Yoongi pointed to himself, a frown present. Namjoon's eyes widened as he made way to Yoongi, gripping at his shoulder. "Your like, really handsome, who wouldn't want you though?"

Namjoon blushed and pulling his grip off of Yoongi's shoulder, turning and walking back up the play set. "Plus you literally have one of the best personalities." Yoongi raised his eyebrow, "Yeah." He sighed, walking off the playground.

Yoongi bit his lip and rubbed his tired eyes, Taehyung has not left his mind since he looked him up, since he heard his voice for the first time, since he has touched him. Taehyung almost felt addicting, yet he couldn't picture himself next to the taller, even if he liked Yoongi.

He frowned and pushed the empty swing while Namjoon slid down one of the yellow slides, 'testing their durability'. He is sure he likes Taehyung, and with what Namjoon said, he has a small chance that Taehyung actually likes him back.

Yoongi's face suddenly furrowed. Seokjins set of rules about dating sinking in his brain once again, "Get this bullshit, Joon."


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