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Namjoon sighed, sitting back in his foldable chair placed in the corner of Yoongi's office. Taehyung sat on Yoongi's desk, as the two chatted and secretly, and not really purposely, flirted with each other. Namjoon kept a smug smile on his face, his feet playing footsies with eachother.

"Namjoonie! Come, Come!" Yoongi patted his desk to have him slowly mope to the cute male. "Hmm." Namjoon hummed, he was slightly tired, but bored, watching your crush flirt with Taehyung and have Taehyung flirt back, kind of hurt.

Now, if Yoongi ever asked who Namjoon liked, he would never tell. the most he would tell is, 'He has the prettiest smile on earth, the cutest laugh, and the most beautiful way of doing things.' All things are always directed to Yoongi, yet Namjoon refuses to left him know that, not now, not never.

Ever since senior year of high school, Namjoon's heart always flipped in his chest, making him scared. He originally thought he was dying, so he did get a checkup, but turns out nothings wrong. The boy was just in love, and slightly stupid, says Yoongi.

He shakes his head. Yoongi smiled up at him and grabs his hand, pulling him up to the screen, "Look how handsome Taehyung is!" Yoongi giggles, the screen threw Taehyung, in a recent shoot with Yoongi, at Namjoon. He smiled and nodded, Yoongi's giggle came out as music to his ears. "He only looks handsome because you took it." He picked, poking Taehyung jokingly, and sitting back in the plastic chair.

"How rude!" Taehyung gasped, he put a hand over his heart and frowned. "Im hurt, Kim Namjoon." Namjoon just giggled and fished his phone out, to distract himself from the twos conversation.

"Have you ever been to America, Tae?" Yoongi continued looking through he pictures on blue screen, occasionally peaking at the taller that sat on his desk. "Of course I have," He looked down at his fingers and picked at them. "Its amazing there, let me tell you. But it's definitely not as pretty as Japan, or Korea itself." Yoongi nodded, frowning.

"Your lucky, Ive always wanted to go to America!" Yoongi glared at Taehyung, turning to ignore him and give him a cold shoulder. "Joonie, have you ever been to America?" He never really remembered the older traveling, the only thing he knows that Namjoon does is sleep around and go to work, occasionally checking up on Yoongi before and after work.

Namjoon nodded, "When I was little, it was boring in my opinion." He frowned. "I was fourteen, but the only words I learned was, 'Hello, may you help, move.'" he sighed again and locked his phone up, "And I don't even think that's proper English, the guy I told that too didn't move at all, he just stood there and laughed at me."

Namjoon pouted at the memory, and Taehyung burst into fits of laughter, Yoongi following behind. "You mean 'Hello, will you move please', you idiot!" Taehyung giggled and hopped off the table to punch Namjoon's shoulder, "Good one. I got to get going." He grabbed his coat and waved bye to the duo, the two best friends were left alone.

"Where did he go?" Namjoon's cheeks were flushed red, as Yoongi's fingers ran through his hair. "Seokjin Hyung probably needed him." Yoongi nodded and continued to strangled the others hair with his fingers. Namjoon liked the way his hands wrapped around his neck, to form around his head in a gentle manner. He took in Yoongi's actions, realizing how much he really enjoyed this.

"You look comfortable." Yoongi whispered. he looked down at Namjoon who had a smile on his face, eyes closed and relaxed. Namjoon nodded, his smile growing, "This is comforting." Yoongi giggles and poked at Namjoon's arm.

"Let's get more comfy," He quickly walked to his desk and turned off this couple of computers and grabbed his leather bag. "Let's go home and cuddle like we do every other Friday." He grabbed Namjoon's hand and leaded him out of the office, locking the door behind him, and latching back onto his large hand.

"My place we go!" Yoongi giggled, he pointed up to the sky as he quickly walked, Namjoon slowly following behind with a 'wait up!'.

Taehyung frowned, a wave of surprising jealousy ran through his body. Seokjin was on the phone, a finger held out to refrain him from speaking while he talked to the other end of the line about how important contrast is.

Taehyung frowned again, not caring about his Hyungs pointless finger. "Hyung, do you think Namjoon and Yoongi Hyung are dating?" he scratched the back of his neck and looked at Seokjin.

"Shush Taehyung! Im on the phone." He grunted, passing Taehyung with a knick at the shoulder, sending Taehyung to slightly fall back. Taehyung murmured a small okay and continued to watch the two from afar, his frown only growing deeper.

this was almost 1k words wow ok.
+ i almost wrote that yoongi took namjoon by he HEAD stOP

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