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Taehyung sighed, sweat started to form at his hairline, making him reaches up and try to rub it away, only to rub it into his hair.

Work was long and tough for the boy, he stood a whole twelve hours for a series of photos, Hoseok really pushed. He frowned and latched onto Yoongi, who helped prop the dying boy up. "You're going to be fine, Taehyung." They were on their way to Taehyungs home. Yoongi excited jumped and asked to stay there that night because he had an itch, he wanted to surf down his stairs.

Taehyung hadn't heard his suggestion in the dying heat, he instead mumbled a tired yeah instead on paying any attention to his boyfriend, and Yoongi hardly noticed.

"We are home!" Yoongi giggled, his energy wired up and body trembling with caffeine. Taehyung got worried after seeing the dozing boy down a can of Monster, but was too tired to do anything, although he should have because Yoongi gets super hyper and the taller obviously isn't in the mood for that. "Home sweet home." Taehyung hadn't said anything about this being his home, for two reasons. One, he was fucking tired, nearing the end of his alert stage, and two, he loved the way Yoongi walked up into his house like he lived there himself, it gave him a fuzzy feeling in his stomach.

"Wanna play a game?" Yoongi dragged Taehyung into the roomy living room, décor barely covered the walls and floor. All that was placed into he living room was a rug, a coffee table, and a few couches displayed in front of a tv. Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, a sudden grunt escaped his mouth as Yoongi hopped into his lap. "Just kidding, I don't want to play a game" He pouted and wrapped his arms around Taehyungs neck, the other starting to doze off and Yoongi leaned back, using Taehyungs neck as a pole to keep him from falling off.

"Yoongi, could you not?" The tired Taehyung whined. Yoongi pouted and let go of Teahyungs neck, a worried expression covered his face when the other reached behind his neck to rub it, face scrunching in pain. "Did I hurt you?" Yoongi gasped and shot off of Taehyung, sending the other to weakly laugh. "No baby, I'm just tired"

Yoongi frowned and apologized quietly, his face falling as he looked down at his shoes, amking grabby hands at Taehyung. He hummed and reached out for Yoongi aswell, grabbing his hand he was pulled up and led into the bedroom.

"You know Tae, I think I might just love you!" Yoongi jumped on the bed as Taehyung sat on the bed, his eyes widening and mouth dropping, only to let out a dry response. Yoongi stopped jumping and came up behind Taehyung, wrapping his arms around the boys neck and placing small kisses on the nape of his neck. "Dont you love me too?" Taehyung could feel Yoongis frown, by the way his lips pressed against his neck. Taehyung did love him, he was sure of it, but what if this was just the caffine talking? Could that even happen? In Yoongis case, maybe.

Taehyung nodded,he answered, scared that if he didnt it would make Yoongi upset, he didnt want that. "Of course I love you." he turned his head, the smell of Yoongis blonde hair hinted at vanillia scent, Taehyung felt warm inside. He wasnt lying whenhe did say the words back to Yoongi, he just felt maybe he wasnt ready, wasnt ready to say them. But out of worry, he let the words roll off his tounge.

Yoongi seemed to calm himself, he melted into Taehyungs back as they formed together like two puzzle pieces. "Good." Taehyung took this time to rip Yoongi off of his and lay down comfortably, and pulling Yoongi down to him. He took his scent again, the smell stayed there for a while, a long time, as long as Yoongi stayed there. He smelt good, and Taehyung was very comfortable. He didnt want to move from his spot, he thought that maybe, just maybe, he could slip into a dream that would be anything but nightmares, something he rarely has but is scared of.

As the photographer and model laid together in the bed, everything did feel so right for the both of them. They were both happy, hyper and tired, but overall happy. And for them, thats all they wanted for eachother, happiness.



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