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"Pass me the tape?" Yoongi stretched his arm over towards the roll of tape and Taehyung satisfied his needs by placing it in the boys sweaty palms.

"Look, we're done!" Taehyung smiled and picked up the last homemade lollipop and stood up. Yoongi tolled his eyes, scoffing. "You mean I'm done? You sat on your ass the whole time."

Taehyung pulled a finger up in the air, "I passed you the supplies, don't talk to me like that, you do work for me." He placed the lollipop on the grey sofa of Yoongis apartment. The older looked down at his lap and frowned, "Sorry."

Taehyung simply shrugged and walked into the kitchen, "Im starving, sitting there and watching you struggle was a hassle and a half." Taehyung turned back to Yoongi and smiled, his face turning a light red. "Lunch? On me."

Yoongi bit down on his bottom lip and trailed his eyes down. Was Kim Taehyung really asking him to have lunch with him? Just them two? He turned a red shade as well and nodded, "Y-Yeah, that would be cool." He bit down on his lip harder this time for allowing him to slip his stutter out, mentally cursing at himself.

The walk to the small burger joint on the other side of town was quiet and long. It was cold out, letting a shiver of cold air slip through Yoongis thin clothing. He must have shivered enough to get Taehyungs attention, because his arm snakes around the older shoulder and squeezed them together.

"Are you cold? You should have wore a larger coat, Hyung." He smiled and let go of the blushing blonde that walked beside him. Yoongi just shrugged in response and looked up at the other. His nose was tinted pink, aswell as his rosy cheeks. He looked cute.

Taehyung looked forwards and began to walk a bit slower, "Here we are." Yoongi nodded and walked in suit of Taehyung, making sure to keep his distance to refrain from munching on the youngers heels.

He couldn't help himself though, when the quiet room erupted and a roar of whispers and squeals. He walked a bit more until their bodies bumped and formed together, resting his forehead on Taehyungs mid back.

The model smelt amazing, something you would never find in a Walmart or Macy's. A blush rose to Yoongi's cheeks, all he wanted to do was bottle up the smell and take it home, or even better, maybe take him home.

Taehyung reaches behind him and lightly pushed the older off of him before walking forward in line, smiling at all the girls and even a few boys that stared in awe. Yoongi frowned, missing his scent and pushed himself back to the younger, to get pushed back harder this time.

"No," Taehyung whispered at Yoongi, the boy visibly frowning and wrapping his arms around himself in a secure manner, "I don't need no dating rumors because of you." Yoongi's eyebrows raised and he simply nodded. Taehyung smiled at him and grabbed his arm gently to bring him to the counter to order.

"Two plain cheeseburgers please." Taehyung spoke even before the cashier could speak, her eyes shined at the taller and nodded, dimples erupting from her smiling face. (A/n: yes they gonna eat mf plain cheeseburgers.)

They both walked to their tables and took their seats, preparing for their orders to come. "Thanks," Yoongi smiles and Taehyung nodded. "You must have a lot of fans." Yoongi continued, looking around the joint and locking eyes with a few.

Taehyung only nodded and frowned, "They get annoying at times." He poked at the napkin dispenser next to him and sighed, "They all just want in my privacy, I've not dated in a good two years." He rolled his eyes and looked up at Yoongi, and annoyed expression written all over his face.

"How come you haven't dated any?" Yoongi cocked his head to the side and starting poking at the other side of the napkin dispenser.

Taehyung's brown eyes darted over the hungry yet fascinated teens and looked back at Yoongi, a hand blocking the view of his mouth from anyone who did not sit at the same table.

"Because im gay."

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