.: Prologue - All a Dream :.

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.: Prologue - All a Dream :.

We were running, running for our lives. We didn't know why anyone would be chasing after us - we didn't do anything wrong. As usual, Tazmin was ahead of me. Her legs were long and skinny, like a gazelle; and strong and powerful, like a cheetah.

"In here," she called, already inside a building.

We stayed, hidden from view. At closer inspection, we could see that the ages of the guys in black suits ranged from their early twenties to the late fifties. They wore sunglasses and an earpiece with a curly wire running down their shirts - the kind that was always shown in movies. They kept speaking into their sleeve; some sort of communicator was attached, there. I picked up something that the one closest to us said, "Alpha, split up and look for the subjects around this block; they can't have gone far. Beta, look over at-"

Damn, he was too far away for us to hear anything.

“What do we do?” I asked Taz.

“I do not know. We could try to escape – find somewhere else to hide,” she replied.


So we peered out the doors and windows, making sure that there weren’t any agents around, and when the coast was clear, we ran into another building. We knew that most of them were abandoned on this side of town: the poorer part. I didn’t know why people from the wealthier side of town didn’t like anyone from this side. They were all nice people, a little dirty and hungry. But what was the difference between the wealthy and the poor? We were all made equally and that’s how we should treat others: equally.

We passed through different houses.

“Hello, Aura and Tazmin!” Eryx greeted when we flew inside.

“Hey,” I replied. “No time to talk, Eryx. Government agents are hunting us down for some reason.”

“You guys can hide here if you want.”

“Oh, can we? Thanks, you’re the best!” I still managed a compliment, even though we were running for our lives.

He guided us to a room – once a cellar – and told us that he’d tell us when it was okay to come out.

Not long after, we heard pounding on the door and Government agents swarmed the house. We heard Eryx say “she isn’t here” to one of the agents, but they still ransacked his house.

The floorboards started to creak outside the door of the cellar.

“Quick! Let’s hide in the baskets,” I whispered.

We hid in them while an agent stormed in and scrutinised the room. My heart started to beat, faster and faster, as he came closer to our hiding spot. I bet he could hear my heart racing. He paused and opened the lid that sat upon the basket. I was going to be caught; might as well give myself up, now. But surprisingly, I didn't.

Miraculously, he put the lid back down after he saw the sheets that I covered myself with, but I still held my breath as the floor groaned under his feet.

As soon as I heard the door close, I let out all the air I was holding in and breathed normally. Although, my heart hadn’t stopped beating as loudly as a steel drum. I stayed in the basket, unsure whether the agents left the house.

This is all a dream. I thought.

It seemed like hours when Eryx finally told us that we could come out.

I thanked and hugged him, while Tazmin followed suit.

“Will you guys be coming back?” he questioned.

“We do not know; agents will be checking to see if we are around, here,” Tazmin answered, before I could get a word out of my mouth.

We left him and went back to our shabby-looking, grime-covered house. We thought that there was going to be agents everywhere, but there was none in sight.

We went to the lounge and tried to comprehend what happened – we couldn’t. Someone’s arm tightened around my neck and a white cloth covered my nose and mouth. I was being drugged with chloroform? I struggled in my captors arms and I thought I saw Tazmin fighting with the other agents that had somehow appeared. I couldn’t tell what was real or not, as my struggling stopped and I slipped away into a dream state.

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