.: Chapter Four - Welcome to 1990 :.

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.: Chapter Four - Welcome to 1990 :.

"Oh, wow! These clothes actually aren't that bad, except for the dresses, obviously." I disliked dresses of any sort and never wore them unless I was forced to.

My hair was straightened and fashioned into a side ponytail with a scrunchie; I wore a red tartan shirt with dark blue drainpipe jeans and red Converse high-tops. It was basically like the fashion that quite a lot of people wore, now. Taz wore yet another dress: a babydoll.

"We'll be coming with you," Jae announced, gesturing to Eryx, Macy and Uncle Jex.

I sighed; I felt like I was going to be babysat - it was probably better that they were coming with me, since I had no idea what was going to happen, how dangerous it was going to be.

Cray briefed us, "There'll be a chance that all of this will change because of what all of you are going to do, whether you fail or not." Was that suppposed to be encouragement, something to help us complete our mission?

There was a whirring sound as a machine came to life; it looked like a door and had silver light that shone, lightning up the whole room with its magnificence.

"That- It is beautiful." Taz was amazed at the sight before us.

I really didn't see what she found so amazing and beautiful about it; it was just a machine - a time machine, I reminded myself.

"Ready? Just step in," instructed Cray.

Here I go, I'm ready to save some people.

Tentatively, I shuffled towards the electrified doorway. Was it going to hurt? I tried to ignore the little voice in my head that was nagging me to back out of the whole thing; it belittled me by saying that I was never going to save them, that I was going to fail and that I wasn't ever going to achieve anything. I couldn't block out the harsh words that flooded my head, but I somehow found the willpower to overcome those words and continue on on my mission to save the world.

Almost cheerfully with a bounce in my stroll, I glided through the silver sparks - or whatever the silver things were called. I felt a tingling sensation all over my body as I passed through the passageway; it almost felt magical. Time seemed to stop, a century could've passed and I wouldn't have known. Silver and white colours encircled me with a glittery-like substance floating in the space around me.

Then time sped up and I was wrenched into a flat - I stumbled and the dusty coloured carpet started to cloud my vision. Before I knew it, my face collided with the carpet.

"Ow," I groaned as I stood up, bewildered.

"Sorry for crashing into you, Floor," I muttered. I love how I always attacked the floor when I 'fell'. 

Something hard stabbed into my back, pinning me to the floor, again. 


"Thank you for breaking my fall, Aura," Taz sincerely thanked me. That girl was like a whole heap of bricks, despite her bony figure.

Taz helped me up just as Eryx dropped by, literally.

"Wow, that was... Wow!" exclaimed Eryx.

"Move!" both Taz and I yelled.

"Wha-" He turned just in time just as Uncle Jex - was he even my uncle? - crumpled in a heap on the ground.

"You might want to move, Jex," Eryx advised.

Macy fell right on top of Uncle Jex.

"Oh, sorry, Jex." Macy smiled sheepishly and stood up. Uncle Jex followed her example, not wanting another person to fall on him.

Silently, Jae arrived, landing on all threes - one hand and both feet; she must've undoubtedly travelled through the machine, before.

"Take a look around, this will be where we're living for the next couple of days." Jae seemed to be leading the whole operation.

Something crackled to life with incoherent tunes. Jae put a hand to her ear and spoke to no one in particular, "Yes, we're here. Nobody seems to be hurt."

More crackling.

"Copy that."

"So is Cray keeping an eye on us?" I narrowed my eyes at Jae.

"Actually, that was Darren, and Cray is helping us with the operation on the other side." She said it in a matter-of-fact way, which started to - kind of - annoy me. "There are also cameras set up around the house, just so they know what's going on. The cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms turn off at the touch of a button. I've already attached one on your chain with the treble clef on it, here's a bracelet that also has one."

She handed me the bracelet and strutted away, leaving me standing by my self. Forever alone. But that got me wondering how she managed to take the chain with a treble clef studded with faux diamonds and attatched a button somewhere on it.

"Aura," Taz started.

Startled, I turned around and our eyes locked.

"I am sorry for playing that joke on you - it was wrong. You probably will never forgive me-"

"It's fine, Taz. I can't stay mad at you for a long time; the longest time I could be mad at you would probably only be a week." I laughed.

"I am still sorry."

"Yeah. I know, that's why I'm forgiving you." I hugged her. She seemed surprised, but hugged me back after a few seconds.

I stared at the room we were in, which was probably the living room and I was disappointed by their efforts at designing. It wasn't that bad, but it could be better; even we managed to make our home lively in the poorer part of town with the limited amount of possessions we had. This room was pretty much bare; only a blood red loveseat, three-seater sofa and recliner stood around a small, box-like television. I glanced over at Taz and sang, "Let's jazz this place up!"

After a long argument with Jae, I finally agreed to let Eryx and Uncle Jex to come with us - it was that or nothing; I seriously felt like they were all treating me like a child. Oh, well, at least I got to go out and liven up the place.

We spent hours looking for suitable furniture and other miscellaneous items. Since the coal black 1990 Ford Ranger could only fit two people, I had to sit in the passenger seat while Eryx drove - that was also part of the deal. Taz was sitting in the 1990 Lamborghini Diablo, which was also black in colour, with Uncle Jex; what a way to blend in. Sarcasm.

"So you're a spy, huh?" I interrogated, looking away.

"I wouldn't say 'spy', but yes." Eryx focused on driving, staring at the road. It was something he did - focus intently - when he was anxious.

"Is Jex my real uncle?"


"I guess my whole life isn't a lie, then..."

"Your life never was a lie - it still isn't. This may sound cliché, but befriending you started out as an assignment; I thought - think - of you as a friend, not some subject that I had to become friends with for a mission," Eryx growled.

"Yeah, well, I still think of you as a friend, if that makes you feel any better. An explanation was all I was looking for."

"I'm sorry that you're even involved. It's too dangerous." He was always looking out for me... Disagreeing with him would make no difference, since he was stubborn.

~ First author note of the story! :D Picture of Aura's nicklace on the sideeeeee --->

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