.: Epilogue - Six Months Later :.

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.: Epilogue - Six Months Later :.

It had been six months since I travelled back in time, gotten my parents back, found out Macy was one of TBE's assassin robot things, saved the world and lost Taz to the lab explosion. I lost Taz. She was dead. Sure, I had my family and everyone, but I had lost my best friend - the person who meant the world to me.

I almost wished that I had died in the explosion, too. Almost.

When we got back, we saw Darren and Cray - they were different, but they somehow knew us.

Taz had become a hero, someone that all of us would remember. Cray had apparently gotten me to give him a note to his younger self about something that would help him get a promotion faster. I still didn't like him. My parents still did experiments, none that would have deadly impacts like TBE. Jae turned out to be a really cool, kick-ass person that I thought she was; she just became more than a little harsh when it came to missions, but she always had a second plan. Eryx was still the awesome 'brother' I had, before I found out he was a spy-agent person.

I still thought about the night of the explosion, even now, in my room, I thought about it. I wished so hard that my best friend would come back to me. We had made so many memories, none of them were lost. They never would be.

I started to pace and think of ways I could've prevented her from dying. I thought of so many. I was stupid to leave her behind. I thought she would be fine 'cause she could run faster. I was wrong.

"Aura." I was startled, but I turned around and my eyes must have shown the shock I was in.

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