.: Chapter Two - Shock :.

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.: Chapter Two - Shock :.

"No! Taz!" I shouted.

"Aura!" she shouted back.

We reached out to each other, struggling against the people restraining us.

"I am scared," Taz whimpered.

"It'll be okay; we'll get out of here." I started thinking positive. "They won't be able to hold us back forever."

The men that were in yellow biochemical suits kept pulling her back and she was eventually lifted off the ground. She was taken away. How could they? They were going to pay. Now, the men restraining me were trying even harder to pull me back, too, but I wouldn't budge. I just kept using all my force, which wasn't very much, to run forward and to help my best friend - the friend that stuck with me through everything, the friend that loved challenges, the smart one. I couldn't - wouldn't - let her go so easily. If I died trying to get her out alive, I'd be happy, happy that it was her instead of me. She was way better than me by far.

Somehow, all those thoughts and feelings had made me stronger; I was able to drag them along, even though I was going slowly. I could save her.

"No, don't you dare!" I shouted, again, threatening those with the suits. They were holding her near the edge of a mountain that had steam rising, it was burning.

I was motivated to make it there in time, to run even faster.

There was a glass breaking scream and I knew it was hers, before I saw the monster with the bloodshot eyes and pale, broken scales tear her apart with its yellow teeth that already had dried blood. Tazmin's blood spilt from its mouth and shreds of her colourful halter dress were incinerated by the pool of lava the monster dwelled in.

"NO!!!" I shouted once more and broke into tears.

Complete rage took over me and I found even more strength to breakaway from my captors and I pushed in the guy that shoved Taz over the side and he was also savagely and mercilessly ripped apart. I pushed in as many of them in as possible, some fell in the creature's mouth, the others fell in the bubbling pool of red, orange and yellow - the colours of heated coal. Their pleading shrieks were all washed away after a second of agony for each of them. At least Taz would get some form of justice.

Why didn't I just run? I might've been able to escape, but all I did was make things worse; I was surely going to die.

My prediction was right. I was pushed into that pit with the monster, screaming and petrified.

I woke up with a start, sweating and breathing heavily. Yet I noticed the change in setting. I was sitting slumped in a black leather chair in a room that was office-like and modern. It was filled with computers and other hardware, which I could not name.

Is this the H.Q. of those agents that kidnapped Taz and I? I wondered.

"Ah, you're up," a guy with black, square shaped glasses spoke. He had dark brown hair, like me, his bangs just touching his eyebrow and had stubble growing on his chin, running up his jaw and was leading up under his nose. He wore a black hoodie over a blue and white checked, button-up shirt with dark blue jeans and black, low top Converse Chuck Taylors.

"Who are you..?" I asked, suspicion filled my thoughts.

"Oh, right. I'm Darren." He held his hand out to me, wanting me to shake it, so I did, gingerly. "Sooo, do you want a bagel?"

I nodded, suddenly feeling a little peckish. The bagel was filled with egg, a slice of cheese and strips of bacon - it was heavenly. I hoped that this wasn't some kind of bribery that they were using because I think it might just work. He also handed me a plastic cup of filtered water, which I thanked him for.

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