She's Dating the Gangster|ThundClone <Part 1>

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Cyclone's POV
Hey guys, my name's Cyclone by the way, but you can call me Cy. And the girl walking beside me is my best friend, Thorn.

Me and Thorn were now heading to our classroom, when some random girl screamed.

"OMG! There they are!"

"What the heck is going on?!" I asked, cursed. Well,I'm too boyish, so it's kinda my accent being a tomboy.

I turned myself behind, while Thorn step aside. There I saw the leader of the gangsters, Thunderstorm.

My surroundings slow down. I can only see him riding with his skateboard.

"Get out of the way!"

I snapped back to reality when he warned me. So, we bumped into each other.

He stand up and so as I. He continued to ride with his skateboard. So that's it? He didn't even say sorry?


Me and Thorn continued walking towards our classroom. When we enter the room, firstly, we saw Ice, sleeping, again. Ice is our best friend too. We just met last week. We saw her at the bus stop, wet. It's so rainy that day, so we help her. And we didn't know that were in the same school.

Minutes had pass, our teacher didn't arrive yet.


Our school bell rang and many students were now heading to the cafeteria.

We woke Ice up and said that it's already lunch break.

We walk towards the cafeteria and ordered food. We find tables to seat in. And as always, a random girl screamed. And I knew, it was the gangsters.

"I'd just rather die than hear these girls scream"

"Did you know that the leader of the gangsters is the son of the principal of our school?" Thorn informed as she smiled.

"I don't care. Even my brother is a gangster, I don't care"

They both gulped. "What happened to the both of you?"

"Um... behind your back..."

I turned my head behind my back. There I saw him. "Uh oh"

He pinned me to the wall. "Are you Cyclone?" Thunderstorm asked.

"And why should I tell you?!" I shot back. He snatched my I.D and look at it. "Hey! Give me that back!"

"Hmm... you're Cyclone" he leaned at my ears.

"You have to be my girlfriend" he simply said.

"Why the heck I would do that?!" I was about to punched him but he grabbed my fist.

"Just do it"

If I punched him one more with my left hand, I know he will grabbed it, again. So I just kicked him at his ****.

He groaned in pain as he sat at the floor.


"Come on Thorn, Ice. Let's get out of here"

We walk towards our classroom and enter. Many girls were staring at us. No. They were staring at me.

I just don't mind them and sit at my armchair. I grab my phone and play games.

"Psst! Cyclone!" I stop playing when someone called my name. I turned my head at the back and saw Thorn writing something at the paper. After she wrote something, she crumbled the paper and throw it at me. I quickly catch it before someone see us.

I unfold the paper and read it.

What do you think you're doing? Girl, you don't know
who are you messing with! If someone like you do that
thing, they'll return it back...

I crumbled the paper and throw it back to Thorn. Her face expression is so funny! Now that I'm laughing as hell, dude.

Skip Time

Finally! Classes are over! Time for video games!

As I was walking, I saw a bunch of gangsters walking towards me. Wow, for the first time, there leader is not with them.

I stopped walking and so as them. "What do you want now, jerks?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"We just want you to have these!"

They throw a lot of tomatoes at me, even my brother, Solar.

"Oh come on! Seriously?!" I complained. "You know Solar, if you go back home, you'll be dead at our sister!"

"Aww...don't worry baby sister, cause she and Fang have a date tonight" he said teasingly.

"Oh, is that it?" I smirked, then walk away.

"She's insane"

When I got back home, I take a bath and prepare a trap for my brother.

I took a pail with water and a ladder.

Few Minutes Later

I was watching my favorite show when my brother arrived. He opened the door and the pail with water land at him.

I bursted out laughing, when I saw his facial expression.

Next Day

When I was walking through the corridor of our school, Ice and Thorn approached me.

They grabbed my hand without saying anything. "What the heck is going on?!" I asked them but no one answered. I just let them drag me until we arrived at the school garden.

"What are we even doing here?! And why is so many people here?"

"Look!" Thorn pointed. I look at the direction where she's pointing. And I saw Thunderstorm at the top of our school building.

"Cyclone! If you don't answer me, I'll jumped off this building!"

"Are you insane?!

"On a count of three, ONE!"

"Cy! Answer him already!" Thorn said, worriedly.




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