New Friends <Part 2>

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Lee: Hi guys! Again...

So, we were now heading to the house of the BBB Siblings! Gosh, I never been so excited like this, cause I always visit there house and now...gosh...I can't breathe...

Okay...okay...relax Lee...relax...

Blaze: Hey Lee, who were you talking to? You're already here. And who's that?

Lee: Sorry Blaze, I just can't wait to meet all of you to the new members of MADAPAKERS.

Blaze: Really?! Who?! Is it them?!

Lee: Hmm...before that, let us in first. We've been here under the sun for a long time.

Blaze: Sorry...

Blaze let us in and I told my friends to take a seat at the sofa. I walk towards the kitchen to see Quake.

Lee: Sup, Mama Quake!

Quake: Seriously Lee? How many times I told you to not call me Mama Quake?!

Lee: Um...a million times?

I said innocently.

Lee: By the way, what are you cooking?

Quake: Red carrot soup and red carrot donut.

Lee: Fang and Kaizo, coming?

Quake: Yup! And this is for your visitors too, or should I say, 'new friends'.

Lee: Oh, who told you that?

Quake: Blaze.

Lee: Okay. And Quake? Can you please cook my favorite food too?

Quake: Spaghetti? Sure!

Lee: Aww, you're the best Quake!

Quake: Thank you.

I walk back at the living room and talk with them for a while.


Quake: Guys! Dinner's ready!

Cyclone/Blaze: Finally!

Lee: Come on guys! I'm sure you're hungry too.

We walk towards the kitchen and take a seat.

Lee: BTW Quake, I thought Fang and Kaizo are coming?

Quake: Yup! Well, they will be here in...3...2...1...

And the doorbell rang.

Quake: Okay, they're here! I'll get the door!

Lee: just wanted to see Fang...

I smirked while Quake blushed madly.

Quake: Shuddap!

Cyclone: BTW Lee, who are they?

Cy asked while pointing at them. I smiled.

Lee: New friends!

Thorn: Really?! Would you mind introducing them for us?

Lee: Sure!

But before I speak, Fang and Kaizo cut me off.

Fang/Kaizo: Wait! Don't introduce them with us!

I just rolled my eyes.

Lee: Okay, so, this is Shiori, the girl seating beside her is Diana, and this girl seating beside me is Damien. That is Misha. She's my classmate.

Debbie/Sean: Hey! How about us?! Won't you introduce us to them?!

Lee: For your information, they already know you.

7BBB/Fang/Kaizo: Yeah, you're Debbie and Sean.

Sean/Debbie: Hmph!

So, that's all guys! I'm too lazy to write, and I got writer's block.

Stay tuned for more chapters!

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