My Hot Teacher|ThundIce

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Requested by Damien1Salazar! Enjoy!

Teachers AU


Ice's POV

I woke from my slumber and stretched. Hay, another tiring day in school.

I got up from my bed and walk towards the bathroom lazily. I took a bath, brushed my teeth and got dressed.

Of course, I wear the usual. Light blue T-shirt with white jacket, blue cap and light blue trousers.

I got out of my dorm and went to my first class, History. I entered the room and take a seat at the very back.

Few minutes later, our subject teacher came in. He wears a light red polo shirt, with black neck tie and black trousers.

Thump Thump Thump

Oh my god, what is this feeling?

Thump Thump Thump

Is this what falling inlove means?

Thump Thump Thump

Lord, let me rest, please T^T

Thump Thump Thump

"Good morning, class. My name's Thunderstorm, but you can call me Storm or whatever nickname that is related to my name. I'm your new History teacher. Would you introduce yourselves?"

OH MY GOD. His voice....

"Hi! My name's Cyclone! And I'm 17 years old! You can call my Cy or CyCy!"

"My name's Blaze! And I'm 18!"

"My name's Thorn! And I'm 17!"

They all introduced there selves until it ended at me.

Uh oh.

I stood up. "H-Hi, I'm I-Ice, I'm 1-18 years o-old." I stuttered.

"Well, nice meeting you, Ice, and to all of you. For now, get your history books and open it in page 34!"

Time Skip

The bell rang signalling that it's already lunch. We got up from our seats and head towards the cafeteria.

I ordered an orange juice and a sandwich. But then, before I took a bite of my sandwich, someone sat with me at my table. The people here don't seat with a boring person like me. But this? Seriously?

"Hey Ice." The person said. What did he/she know my name?

I lookd up to see the person. My eyes grew wide as I realized it was our History teacher. My breath hitched.

"So, I was looking for you earlier. Cause, the other teachers said that you are a...teacher's pet? Is that true?"

I blushed in embarrassment as I nod.

He leaned in my ear. "Well then, would you like to be my pet?" His mouth brushed through my ear, sending shivers through my spine. And as he said that, I was now a blushing mess.

Thunderstorm, you sly fox.

I nodded shakily and hesitantly.

"Well, then. See you tomorrow, baby doll." He kissed the corner of my lips and then stood up. But before he walked out, he winked at me.

I blushed.


"Is that how you and Daddy met?" My son, Lightning, ask me when I finished the story.

I nod.

"Awesome! I wanted a love story like that too!"

"Don't worry kiddo, were sure your gonna have that kind of love story too. But for how, let's sleep, cause I'm sure, your Pops is tired, and so are you." My husband said, as he lay down Lightning in his bed.

We got out of our son's room, and head towards our bedroom. We lay down in our bed, and Thunder pulled me close into his chest.

"Good night, sugar. I love you."

"I love you too."



This is cringy! I hope you enjoyed it!

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