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Hey, so, this story is from someone's one-shot book. I forgot who is he/she. And I became inspired by there story.

Disclaimer: The story that I will make, is not mine.

FaKe, CyFang, ThundQuake, ThundClone.


Quake and Cyclone are best friends for a long time, or should I say, since they were still in diapers.

But there friendship turned into rivalry, not an actual rivalry, I guess. Let's find out why.

When they were 12 years old, they fell in a young man, named Fang.

They were playing flowers and petals, to see who will Fang love.

Quake picked two flowers for them, one for him, and one for Cyclone. They started picking the petals one-by-one, while saying, "he loves me, he loves me not."

But then, Cyclone ended up picking a petal saying, "he loved me not."

While Quake ended saying, "he loves me."

"I guess, he's yours, Bes." Cyclone said, smiling sadly.

"I hope he'll be mine," he paused. "...someday..."


They are now 20 years old. But then, Quake didn't have Fang, instead, Cyclone have him. Quake locked himself in his dorm all day. He didn't eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He just cried all day.

He tried to commit suicide, but, there was someone beside him. His name was Thunderstorm.

Thunder loved him since the day they met. He would gave him chocolates and candies, but not flowers. He knew he was still traumatized after that.

They will date sometimes, kiss each other, and hug. And that's when Quake realized, that he have someone that loved him all the time.

They loved each other until the day they died, due to there old age. They died, holding each other's hands. And that's when there hearts stopped beating.

They were now at the other side. Holding hands, while kissing.



Uuhh...this sucks. I hope you still enjoyed it after reading.

Stay tuned!

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