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So, this is requested by Diana_core_music! Enjoy!
Blaze was sitting beside Ice, staring at her.

He broke the silence. "Um...Ice? What's the title of the book you were reading?" He asked.

Ice looked at him. "Since when did you have interests in books?" She raised a brow.

"Um...just asking?"

"Adopted by Hamilton" she simply answered.

Again, another 'awkward silence' was between them.

Oh, come on! Seriously?! I can't take this silence! Wait, maybe I should just play with Cyclone...never mind. I know she's hanging out with Thorn...but, why they didn't invite me?.........................................................(long period until he realized something)..........................................what the, what?! Cyclone?! You're gonna pay!

Well, let's just say that, Cyclone were planning on Blaze and Ice to be lonely in the house.

Quake was at the grocery to buy something. Thunderstorm was at the book store to buy a new book. Solar was at Fang's house. And Thorn and Cyclone were hanging out. And Ice, being the lazy person she is, she just stay in there house and read some books. And Blaze...let's just say, he's ignored by everyone.

"Um...Ice, can you play with me please?" He said while doing the puppy eyes.

Ice looked at him with disgust. "No"

"Pretty please..." he pleaded.




Blaze pouted. "I hate you..."

"I hate you more"

And everyone came out of nowhere and said, "Rejected!"

Blaze and Ice looked at them, shock were written all over there face.

"Why you?!"

And Blaze chased them to death.


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