"Would You Rather..."

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Hey guys!

So, SurashindranSangkar3 requested a 'Would You Rather...' chapter. So, here it goes...

And also, this is for FaKe, ThundClone, BlIce and SoRn.


For FaKe,

Would you rather...

A. Take a very hard Mathematics Exam


B. Sleep with a pig

Quake: Um..take a very hard Mathematics Exam?

Fang: I'll go with Quake...


For ThundClone,

Would you rather...

A. Get burned by Blaze's Fireball


B. Get stabbed by Ice's Spikes

Cyclone: A? I think?

Thunderstorm: A. I'll zap Blaze if he did that to me or to my CyCy.


For BlIce,

Would you rather...

A. Eat Yaya's cookies


B. The multi-monster will eat you

Ice: B. I'll go with B.

Blaze: B. I'll burn the organs of that monster if it tried to eat us!


For SoRn, (well, basically, this is for Solar)

Would you rather...

A. Drop your phone


B. Drop Thorn

Solar: For my beloved Thorn, I'll drop my phone for you.

Thorn: You're so sweet!


So, that's it. Feel free to request(just don't request a one shot)!

Stay tuned!

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